part 7

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August 25th, 1993
Sams pov:

I woke up to loud birds chirping, i goaned and put my pillow over my head trying to cancel out the sound. It didn't stop, i threw my pillow and sat up, stretching with my eyes still closed, moaning softly. I finally opened my eyes and first thing that came to mind was Deena, and what happened at that party..I blushed and went downstairs to eat some breakfast. I got up and put a shirt on, (i was just in my bra and underwear) and some shorts.

I walked downstairs and seeing my mom at the table drinking coffee, i sighed and walked to the fridge— getting some orange juice and got out the waffles. My mom was watching me, i put the waffles in the toaster and looked at her, "What?" She shook her head, "Nothing." I poured a glass of orange juice for myself and sat at the table.

She kept staring at me, i looked at her. "So, who's Deena?" I nearly choked on my juice, "Uhm she's my friend." She gave me a dirty look. "Where'd you meet her?" I bit my lip, getting annoyed "The coffee place.." She sipped on her coffee and asked,"Since when do you like coffee?" I sighed harshly, "I craved it at the time okay? Why are we talking about this." She shouted, "Because i don't want you seeing that girl!!" I looked at her, "What the fuck? You don't even know her!!!" She smacked me, "Watch you're fucking mouth!!! Go to your room!!"

I held my cheek, my words stuck in my throat. I ran to my room and locked my door, looking in the mirror with my cheek red leaving a hand mark. I held it for a few minutes before tears running down my eyes. I got out my phone and called Deena. It rang for a few seconds before someone not Deena picked up the phone,

"Sir silence here?" I laughed, "Josh? Why do you have Deena's phone?" "Oh...Sam- Deena left her phone downstairs..I thought it was my dad's." I nodded in understanding, "Well can you put Deena on? Please?" I waited about a minute later hearing that familiar voice, "Sam?" I smiled instantly, hear voice making my heart melt. "Hey.." She sat there for a second, "Hi..What's up?" I shook my head, "Uhm a-are you free right now? By any chance?" She sat there for a few, "Uhm y-yeah! No yeah i'm free." I nodded and smiled, "Okay...uhm can you come get me? But park the same spot i told you?" "You got it." I hanged up and striped immediately, looking for a good outfit.

I changed into some black jeans with a sweater with just my bra underneath, putting my hair half up with a black ribbon—and the rest falling to my shoulders. I also put on some perfume, not to impress Deena, well sorta i guess- but just to smell good. I opened my window and climbed out slowly, i used the ladder that i always sneak out to, i got down and saw Deena's car. I smiled and walked over to her, she was leaning on her car and opened the door for me. We giggled and i sat in the passengers seat. She
closed the door and went to her side, sitting down.

She looked at me, smiling. We both leaned in and hit our forehead's "Ow!" We both shouted, we looked at each other and laughed. She leaned in again and kissed me, i smiled. Her smile instantly went to a frown, "What is that?" She held my cheek and i pushed her hand away, looking the other way. She pulled my face gently and looked at me again, "Sam. Did someone hurt you?" I got out of her grip and shook my head, looking down— "Its just my mom it's fine. Let's just go before she see's." She sighed, "Sam-" I cut her off, "Deena...Please." She nodded and drove off.

The ride to her house was silent. She opened my door for me, we walked to the front door and she unlocked it. Letting me in first, she was always just the sweetest. Her house looked like it was filled with many memories, some Deena may even wish didn't happen. Josh was playing his game in the living room, he waved at me and continued his work, i waved back, smiling. Deena went to her room and i followed her. She shut the door after me, i admired all of her stuff. All of her mixtapes, her drum-set which i never knew she had, "You play the drums?" She looked at me, turning red "Oh..Uh yeah, in in band." I nodded, smiling. I continued looking at her music, all of the people we could have in common, she took her jacket off, sitting on her bed.

I took one mixtape sitting next to her, she looked at me confused, i looked at her, "Can we play this one?" i handed the tape to her. She smiled, "Pixies huh?" I nodded, my dimples showing. She put it in her player and sat back down, (Mr. Grieves by the Pixies playing) She sighed, i looked at her. She caught my eye and looked back at me, i blushed. She layed her head on my shoulder, i melted right there. I layed mine on hers. I wrapped my hands around her waist, giving little kisses on her forehead then and there.

She looked at me, she put a strand of my hair behind my ear, i looked confused and she layed her hand on my cheek. "Pretty." She told me, i began blushing madly. I kissed her, this time on her lips. It was a long one, until she kissed me again, i felt shivers up my spine. Her kisses became a bit more curious, and she began kissing my neck, putting her hands up my lower back. I felt like i could fell her hands through the frabic of my sweater. My mouth opened making a "O" shape. I began breathing heavy as Deena began sucking my skin.

I moaned and my back began to arch, she stopped kissing my neck and went for my lips again, the music soon stopped playing and the room being filled up with our sloppy kissing noises. She tugged at my sweater, "Take it off." I bit my lip, raising my hands up and Deena pulled it over my head immediately. I forgot that i just had a bra on, it was pink laced. She whimpered under her breath, kissing me all over, putting her cold hands on my back. I threw my head back and she was kissing my chest, up to my cheek. We made out for a few minutes until the bedroom door opened, l opened my eyes and gasped. Trying to cover myself up, Deena tried covering me with her hands, "Josh!! What the fuck!?!" He shut the door instantly.

I looked at Deena, we began laughing. I put my sweater on and she sighed. I'm starving, you? I nodded, "Definitely."

Hey! Sorry i haven't updated recently.. But i hope you enjoyed!! Let me know what you think of "Stalker" So far!! <3

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