part 4

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hey! yeah i know i said i'd take a break but i really wanted to finish this part since i have a lot of free time today.. but i hope you enjoy!! this is continuing part 3 <3

August 23rd
Deenas pov:

"Hi." I cried, "Hey.." sam softly smiled. She sniffed, "Come in." I smiled and walked in her house, admiring all of the pictures on her walls of sam when she was little. "Wow..I never have seen your house before..So pretty." She smiled, "Thanks..My mom put all of these up but.." I turned to her, "Where is your mom?" She walked to the kitchen, "Oh shes uh- on vacation, with my dad..She wont be back for a few days." I nodded in response, following her. "So are you wanting to go to your room and talk or?" She looked at me, thinking. "Yeah we can go to my room." She walked past me and went upstairs, i followed her.

We walked up to a pretty pink room, her room was so organized..It was cute. I smiled, sitting on her bed. She shut the door behind me and sat down next to me. We both were about to talk at the same time "Im sorry." We began giggling, sam smiled and said "Oh sorry uhm you can go." I nodded, "Im so sorry sam." She looked down, playing with her hands. "I shouldnt have took you there..We shouldnt have skipped. You didnt deserve that. I hacked into her instagram and deleted the video." She looked at me, "R-Really?." I nodded, smiling. "Yes. I ended it also, not that you care i just..Still want us to be friends without it being awkward you know?." She nodded, "I understand. Thank you." I laid my hand on hers, "Of course sam. Thats what friends are for, i love you." She widened her eyes, blushing madly. I took my hand off, "I know i would like never do this but can i give you..uh a hug?" She smiled and nodded. I pulled her into my embrace, holding her tighter by each second.

A few hours had pasted, we watched a bunch of horror movies, and eating popcorn. We were laying at the end of her bed, laughing. A kissing scene on the tv came on, two girls. Sam cleared her throat, sighing. I looked at her in the corner of my eye, i felt heat, she was as hot as a tomato. I smirked, she caught my eye and looked back at me. I stopped smirking and looked deeply into her eyes, i got a little closer to her, we could feel our hot breaths. She licked her chapped lips, biting them. I slowly shut my eyes and leaned in. Feeling our lips touching, i heard her softly moan—Then pull away quickly. I opened my eyes, confused. She looked scared, moving away, i shook my head "Oh my god. I-Im so sorry sam- I.." She nodded "Oh uhm—i-its fine i- I'm gonna uhm go get more popcorn i-" She got up from the bed quickly. "I-ill be back." I got up, "Sam-" She shut the door behind her.

I felt so stupid..That was way too early, i just got out of a relationship. Was i falling for her that quickly? What was going on with me? 5 minutes had pasted, she came in, sitting the popcorn down. I looked at her and got up quickly, "Im so sorry sam- i-i don't know why i did that- it was a mistake." She raised her eyebrows, "I..O-oh...uhm i think you should g-go." I looked down, "Yeah uhm..Okay..Will you be at school tomorrow?!" She nodded quickly, opening the door for me. I walked out, "Ill lock the door on the way out...Thanks for the talk.." She nodded and shut her bedroom door. I layed my head and hand on it. Regretting what i just did..Well not regretting it. But i just knew i needed to give her some space for a bit.

I went home. I checked on josh, he was playing his video game, i rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Hey little dude." He looked at me, smiling. "Hey sis, want some pizza?" He took a bite and handed me the rest, i shook my head. "Im good, thank you though." He nodded and went back on his game, i walked to my room. Laying on my bed, thinking about what happened at sam's today. That was until my phone rang, it was a text from sam. I smiled and opened it,

"Hey sorry about earlier- i just got scared. I felt rushed, you know?..We are good. I know you're probably worried..But yeah.. See you tomorrow."

"Cool cool, Im sorry too..See ya."

I shut my phone off and went to sleep.

Thats it for this part!! Might make another one..Not sure lol, hope you enjoyed! <3

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