part 19*

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Okay wow 3 updates under 24 hours?!? I'm getting better at this.. okay enough of the talking, enjoy reading <3

August 31st, 1993 — 5:04PM
Deena's pov:

Me and sam soon arrived at Mrs.Kelly's mothers house, i knew this trip would be interesting..But i wasn't nervous or scared, just curious.

I honked outside her house and she was already on the porch, she couldn't really walk..She looked as if she had really bad posture, maybe was in her 70s.
she came up to my window. "Are you the two lesbians who are picking me up? I think my daughter sent you right?"

Sam coughed and i bit my lip, trying not to laugh. "Yes ma'am." I told her, she smiled "Well hi!" She got in the backseat and we took off. Me and sam looked at each other, wondering how she was so okay with random people she doesn't know picking her up.. "You cuties live around here?" The old women asked, "Yes ma'am." She sighed, "Call me shelly!" She told me. I nodded, "Shelly, we live a few blocks down." She smiled, "That's great!"

The car ride was silent until we arrived at the hospital. I opened the door for 'shelly' and asked, "Do you want us to go with you?" She shook her head, shooing me away. "No no i'm fine dear, thank you." I nodded and got back in the car. I watched her until she made it to the door, just making sure.

Me and sam searched for a parking spot, i chose the one with more shade, it was hot as fuck. I parked the car and put my feet up on the dash, above the steering wheel. Sam sighed and took off her jacket, she threw it somewhere in the back seat.

I looked at sam, she was trying to get comfortable in the cramped car. She finally stopped moving and layed back, shutting her eyes. I was still staring at her, just admiring. I put my hand on her thigh, giving soft thumb strokes. She sighed of relief, biting her lip a little to the touch.

About 5 minutes had passed of still just random music on the radio playing. Sam opened her eyes and looked at me. I looked back, she blushed i smiled. "What are you smiling about?" I asked. "How beautiful you are." She told me, i shook my head, not believing her. She sat up and got closer to me, she moved through the small car and sat on my lap.

Her feet hitting the cup holders. I was surprised, "What?" I told her. She layed her hands on my jawline and pulled me into a wet kiss. I widened my eyes but didn't stop it. I pulled her waist, trying to get her as close to me as possible. She began running her hands up and down my body, "Sam- What if someone sees?" I whispered to her. "I don't give a fuck?" She responded.

I rolled my eyes playfully and she attacked my neck, giving gentle kisses. She was still wearing that black skirt, in the car mirror i can see her almost full bare ass rising. I whined softly, i put my hands there. Squeezing her a bit, she was startled but liked the feeling. I smacked her ass, she moaned.

I became very aware of how she was feeling, she began riding my thigh, touching herself through her shirt. I couldn't do anything but pool in my panties. She rolled her hips faster, more whimpers and moans coming out of her. I grabbed her hips, pushing herself down on me getting more friction for her.

I was guiding her hips, getting a little distracted from her tits moving up and down to the pace. I began kissing her neck, leaving marks. "D-Deena?" She whispered, it came out more of a moan. I looked at her. Her eyes were shut, eyebrows furrowed, and her mouth wide open.

"I-I'm..I think i-" She mumbled. "Finish that sentence baby." I whispered in her ear, "I'm close. Fuck i'm so close." She whined. I rubbed her clit through the frabic of her skirt. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her moans got more louder.

She rode out her high, collapsing on me, gasping. Her thighs were shaking and she fell into my neck. I felt my thigh getting a bit wet, she looked down at herself, then me. "Oh my god i'm so sorry-" She snorted. "It's okay, get that all out of your system?" I asked. She nodded, humming in response.

We giggled, resting our foreheads. Then kissing, i looked to the side and 'shelly' was coming, "Shit. She's back." I told sam, sam groaned and got back in the passenger seat, pulling her skirt down. I used her jacket to cover the wet spot on my jeans.

I cleared my throat and she got in, "Hey guys sorry it took a long time, long line." Shelly sighed. "It's okay!" Sam told her, "Off to your house now?" I asked shelly. She nodded, i sighed and drove to her place.


We soon arrived, i got out and opened the door for her. Letting her out, i walked her to her house and said my goodbyes. "Thank you." Shelly told me, i nodded. "Anytime." With a soft smile, i walked to my car. We waved at her and drove off.

Sam looked at me, "So your place?" I shook my head, "Josh invited all of his nerd friends to my house..Can we go to yours?" I told her. She nodded, "Sure! My mom is working a double shift so.." She exclaimed. I smiled and drove to her place.

We arrived and got out, we walked to her door. Sam unlocked it and she let me in first. We went to her room, i sat on her bed. She looked and me and acted like she remembered something, she went in her drawers and handed me some night wear. I went to the bathroom and changed. I soon came back and she put my dirty clothes in her washer.

We sat on her bed and she looked at me, "so are we gonna finish what we started?" She asked. I smirked, "You are on Fraser." We smashed our lips and laughing. After we stopped laughing we entered each others tongues in our mouths.

While our tongues were fighting, i tugged at sam's shirt and she pulled it over her head. Immediately going back to my lips, my hands groped her waist. She tugged at my curls, humming in my mouth. I pulled off my shirt and she bit her lip, she put her hands behind me. Unclipping my bra, it fell off my shoulders and sam began to kiss my chest.

I gripped her hair, making her kiss harder. She began to suck my left breast, groping the other with her hand. I whimpered, rolling my eyes to the back of my head. I pushed her off and got on top of her, i began kissing her stomach, while unbuttoning her pants.

She looked at me, whining. "Stop teasing." She moaned, i smirked and pulled down her pants, then her underwear. She sat up a bit, her elbows holding her up. When i pulled off her underwear, a string of wetness was attached to the fabric of her underwear.

Her thighs clenched together, she began touching her chest. Rubbing her fingers over her light harden nubs. I licked my lips and attached my tongue on her skin, licking deeply. She rolled her eyes to back of her head, whining.

She was struggling to make noises until i got to her g-spot. She moaned loudly, tightening her fists. I stopped eating her and put two fingers inside of her to start with, i looked up at her. Giving her thighs little kisses. She looked at me, her mouth wide open.

I whimpered, her looking at me so flustered was hot. "Feel good baby?" I asked her. She hummed in response, "Cmon..Cum for me." I told her. Her legs began to raise up, riding my fingers. "I'm...I'm close. Fuck!! Mm.." She whined.

I added another finger, and before i could do that she came on my fingers. Her legs shaking and closing on me. She was a moaning mess, i took my fingers out. Kissing her stomach up to her lips, "Feel better hm?" I asked her.

She caught her breath and nodded. I kissed her forehead and layed next to her. She looked at me, still shaking but almost okay, i smiled at her. She smiled back, "Thank you." She whispered, "Don't thank me." I exclaimed. We were still naked but we didn't feel like getting up. So as always, we looked at each other until we drifted asleep. Holding each other in our embraces.

Sorry this chapter was longer than expected- but i hope you are enjoying my story so far!! Might have like 10-15 more parts, or less until this story is over..But don't worry, i will be making more :)

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