part 8 (1/3)

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Hey! I didnt feel like making another chapter to part 7, but i hope you enjoy this chapter!! I have so much ideas for my future parts and im so happy to share them with you soon! Enjoy <333

August 26th, 1993
Deena's pov

I woke up randomly in the morning, it was 7:45AM..I totally forgot it was Monday, in that case, i was late for school. I widened my eyes and shouted "SHIT SHIT SHIT!!" I jumped out of my bed running to josh's room, he was already ready for school, just eating on some pancakes. I got angry,

"JOSH!! WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP?!?!?" He looked at me, "Woah?!? Don't be pissed at me because you didn't set you're timer..Thats not my problem" He chuckled. I clenched my jaw "YOU DICK!!" I stomped up stairs changing into a oversized black shirt with cuffed jeans, i put on my docs quickly and grabbed my backpack.

I went down stairs josh was waiting for me by the door, i groaned—-Tired as fuck. "Cmon little dude." We got in my car and i drove as fast as i can to school. I parked in the same spot i always park at. I got out and josh waved to me and rushed getting to class.

I got to my locker, seeing that Kate and Simon wasn't at school. I forgot Kate texted me that her and Simon were skipping a few days, they have missed so many days and i'm surprised they haven't got expelled. I walked to 1st period and sat down, i saw sam and she looked at me. I smiled softly and waved, she smiled back and those beautiful dimples showing. She waved back and got all flustered. I blushed and tried to focus on my work.

I kept looking at sam, but she wasn't looking back which made me confused, she was talking to this guy behind her, he had dirty blonde hair and was super buff, but he looked like he hasn't showered in days. Sam was laughing quietly and smiling. I got annoyed and sighed. That just pissed me off. It happened the whole class period, the dude caught my eye that i was staring and i gave him a dirty look then looked away. 5 minutes had passed and i looked over, the guy was whispering in sam's ear and sam laughed so hard to the point where she covered her mouth, her cheeks red.

What could be so fucking funny to where my (almost) girlfriend is laughing at a stranger? i thought. I tightened my fist, seeming very jealous, but i could just be dramatic. They are only just talking...And laughing. But maybe she knows him? Maybe she knew him even before she knew me? I couldn't stop thinking of the fact that she was laughing so much. I checked the clock and the bell rang, everyone darted out the classroom.

I was putting my things together and seeing that the dude was following sam out the door, i followed quickly. Sam and the guy were walking together side by side, i got up to sam and sighed, "Hey." She looked at me and gasped, "Hi." She smiled. I clenched my jaw, "Who is this?" I pointed at the dude. Sam looked at him and looked back, "Oh, Deena this is Jack, Jack this is Deena." Jack waved at me and i rolled my eyes. Sam looked at me confused, jack cleared his throat. "Well i should get going..See you later?" He asked. Sam smiled softly at him, "Sure." Jack smiled and walked away.

I looked at Sam, "What the fuck?" She looked at me, "What?" I rolled my eyes, "This game?" Sam scoffed as we continued walking, "No i'm just curious what was so fucking funny in there." Sam sighed, "He is just a friend Deena." I cut her off, "That's what they all say. The guy seems really into you." She shook her head, "Why are you making such a big deal out of this?!!? You act like we are together or something." I stopped, so did she and she slowly looked at me. "Are you kidding me?" She rolled her eyes, "What?" I bit my bottom lip, shaking my head "Whatever." And walked away, "Wait! Deena." I heard; i continued walking anyway.

I skipped 2-5th period, sam was in all of my classes and i couldn't handle it after what just happened. I felt like i was being dramatic but after everything..All the kissing and loving on each other, she thinks we are just friends? That's such bullshit. It was lunch time, i sighed and walked into the lunch room, i grabbed my food and sat at table in our outside diner area.

It was about 5 minutes later and i heard a familiar voice behind me, "Hey.." I stopped eating my grapes and turned around. It was Samantha. I rolled my eyes and went back to my food. She sat down by me with her lunch. I stopped eating again, "What do you want." She sighed, looking down. "About earlier-" I shook my head and cut her off, "I don't wanna hear it sam." She cut me off also, "Just listen!...Okay? I didn't mean it like that." I looked at her, "What do you mean you didn't mean it like that? After everything i'm just some fucking friend to you?!!?!" She shushed me, "SHHH!! Keep you're voice down!" I looked around, "There is no one out here!! What are you ashamed of me now?!" She sighed. "No." I clenched my fist. I licked my lips, "You should go." She tried to touch my hand, "Deena-" I pushed her hand away, "Just fucking go!" We had eye contact for a few minutes, her eyes were very watery, she sighed and left the table.

After lunch i just skipped the rest of the day, facing Samantha in every class i go to was too stressful. I went home and layed on my bed. I had my headphones in my ears, playing the pixies bobbing my head to the beat. My eyes were closed and i was tapping my fingers on my chest. I opened my eyes and just admired the plane white ceiling, just thinking of sam. I shook my head, trying to clear her out of my thoughts, but it was so hard when i love her so goddamn much. But i just couldn't believe today, feeling like she slipped through my fingers already. It was my fault, i never should have questioned her about jack or whatever the fuck. But maybe it was a good thing, or maybe they actually are just close friends.

I thought about this for too long until i felt a buzz underneath me, i grabbed my phone from the side of me. Sam texted me, i sighed and hesitated before i opened it, she texted me

Hey..I made something for you. Open it.
[ ]

I clicked on the link, my heart melted. It was a playlist of me and sam's favorite singers, music, and artists. The top of the link had a name,
"Sameena's journey." With a picture of me and her in the background. I smiled and began laughing softly, i put my headphones on and connected them to my phone. Playing the list until i fell asleep.

Hey!! This is NOT the end of this chapter! I am making a part two to this! I hope you enjoyed "Stalker" So far!! <33

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