part 22

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Hey! 3 updates in one night? One more update after this and this story will sadly be over... BUT as i said and will continue saying in my updates, i am planning on making more stories :)

Huge time skip.
November 12th, 1993

Deena's pov:

The past few months have been extremely hard, especially since me and sam broke up in September..Things were way different now, and i still haven't even heard back from her.

But i didn't care at this point, i saw that she had her instagram account back up and she's been posting with her friends so it seemed that she was doing very well without me. I lost her number and she probably got a new phone or something.. i texted her for about 2 weeks everyday, and on instagram. Never got a text back of course..

I hanged out with Simon and Kate more, even with josh.. It's nice to go back to the old times, it sucked but i soon got over it..Not quite of her but i probably am not gonna ever see here again so i don't care.

And now today, still working at the coffee place, being a bitch to everyone again. Yay.. I am working a double shift because i didn't feel like going home. There was nothing to do, but again no one comes to get coffee at 8pm at night.

So like i always do, i still, eat, listen to my mixtape's in my walkman and wait for customers. I was eating a muffin, just reading a book. I only had my mixtapes now because the playlist sam made me i deleted, i only had the music i listened to in my ears now. I wasn't worried about anything, nothing could possibly bother me.

That was until i heard the door open, i groaned and stuffed the muffin in my mouth. Not paying attention to who was at the door, too tired to. I got up to the cashier and asked "May i help you?" Then i looked up. Stopping what i was doing.

"Hey stalker." I knew that familiar voice, it was Samantha. She was so.. pretty. Her hair was longer, completely blonde. She was even taller than before. I wanted to say something.. But my words stuck in my throat, even my breaths. I almost wanted to kiss her, but then i forgot we broke up.

"What the fuck are you doing here." I asked her, she frowned. "I wanted to see you.." She whispered. "Are you shitting me? After everything you are just gonna act like you didn't ghost me? Play with my feelings goddamn it?!" I shouted. She sighed, "You know that i had to." "No- no Sam! That's not a fucking excuse!!"

She looked at me, "Didn't you break up with me? Why are you acting like i did this?? This was my mother! You know i love you!" She shouted. I laughed, "Yeah because you left me!!! Love me? You love me? You mean you LOVED me. You got your instagram back just posting like everything is okay?" Sam looked to the side.

We just stood there, staring at each other. 'Shouldn't i be happy to see her?' 'No she fucking left without any explanation!!' 'But it wasn't her fault..' I thought to myself.

"Well i don't think you care but i moved back here for good..I moved out of my mom's." She exclaimed. "Good for fucking you." I whispered. "I'm sorry..For everything." She told me. I rolled my eyes, clenching my jaw. "Nice to know." I scoffed. I looked at my watch, "We are about to close. You need to go." I told her. She looked up at the clock and sighed, "I will see you around?" She asked.

"Get the fuck out of my face." I told her. She nodded, looking down. "Well here's this if you ever need it." She put a piece of paper on the desk and walked out. I waited until she was out of sight and grabbed the piece of paper immediately. It was her number, i put it in my pocket. Maybe i wasn't as over her as i thought..

Sam's pov:

Seeing Deena again was rough.. She acted just like she did when i first met her.. But i missed her, and i still love her. I walked home to my new apartment just a few blocks from the coffee place, i was only in 11th grade and already living on my own but it was that or nothing so i had to bare with what i have.

I sat my bag down, laying on my bed. All i could think about was Deena. She was so short, maybe i've just grown, or maybe she shrunk... Either way she looked beautiful, her hair was the same length but lighter. Her hair was a lighter tent of brown, she never looked more admiring. I noticed that she got a nose ring, fuck it was hot.

I was just off into my gaze until i got a message, i opened my phone and it was a random number

Hey..It's Deena.
Missed me already?

Shut up. Meet me tomorrow,
Burger king 2389

It was the burger king that we had our first date at.. I couldn't help but smile. Why would she want to meet up there? Why wouldn't she just pick an ally or something.. I shut off my phone and decided to go to sleep.

November 13th, 1993
Sam's pov:

I woke up late, Deena wanted me to meet her around 11am and it was 9:30am. I got up and decided to take a quick shower, after that i put on a flower crop top with some leggings and some black flats.

Just meet me at the coffee place, i don't know where you live and i'll just drive us lmao.

You got it.

I grabbed a light jacket and walked to Deena's work. She was standing outside waiting. I smiled, she was wearing her hair half up bun and half down. She had a black crop top on and cuffed jeans, wearing those docs. We got in her car and she drove to burger king.

Hey guys!! I hope you have enjoyed reading stalker, tomorrow i will be updating the last chapter.. Hopefully you won't be to disappointed? LMAO- until tomorrow, have a good night/day :)

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