part 21

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Hey another update bc why not okay enjoy reading :)

September 3rd, 1993
Samantha's pov:

After talking yesterday me and Deena went our separate ways, it was only the first day of us taking a break while i sort this out with my mom. She has me grounded, i can't go anywhere unless it's school. Yesterday was practically my last day of freedom. I cried all night, wishing she could just accept me for who i was..Like it would ever happen haha..Just a thought.

It was now the next morning, the first day of hell. I woke up to the sun beaming in my face, wishing i could at least tell Deena good morning but i forgot my mom has my phone. I sighed sadly, crawling out of bed and going downstairs. She was at the kitchen table, i groaned. I walked over, a plate of pancakes for me.

"Sit." She told me, i was confused. I sat down slowly, wondering what the fuck she wants now. "Sam..We are moving back to sunnyvale." I sat there for a second, "W-What?" I whispered. She nodded, sipping her coffee. "No!" I shouted. She choked on her coffee, "Yes samantha. I don't want you around that girl anymore!!"

I stood up. "Why is it such a big deal to you??! Why can't you let me live my life and let me choose who i want to love!!" I yelled. "Because you are not living under my roof loving on girls!!!" I began tearing up. "I'm gay mom. I always have been."

She fake laughed and shook her head, "You aren't samantha!!! You are supposed to like boys!!! And you didn't like any girl until that bitch showed up." She exclaimed. "YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HER!" I screamed. "I made my decision and that's final!!" She replied.

I began crying. Trying to hold back. "We are leaving in my morning." She told me, she walked to her room closing her door. I ran up stairs to my room, stomping and sobbing. I won't even be able to say goodbye to Deena.. She will hate me. I couldn't stop thinking about it, how from me moving here and meeting a girl in a coffee shop lead to this?

This wasn't wrong..Not like the last girl i've dated. This was different, Deena is different. She made me actually realize my feelings, and she always did her best to understand me or do anything for me really. I couldn't lose her...I'd lose myself.

The rest of the day i just sat in my room the whole time, reading a book to get tomorrow off my mind. I looked over to the side, and i noticed that Deena left her jacket here. I sighed of relief, reaching for her jacket and holding it. It smelt like her too. I began to cry, just imagining her beautiful smile, her bouncy dark curls and the way they laid on her shoulders so softly. I was smiling at the thought of her, but crying that it will most likely be my last memory of her.

I sort of felt as if i was being dramatic because i mean we always figure out our problems, we always ALWAYS have. I just snuggled with her jacket until i drifted asleep.

September 4th, 1993
(Monday) Moving day.

I woke up to my mom yelling across the hall, "Samantha wake up!! It's time to go cmon." I woke up and everything in my room was gone, except my bed. I still had Deena's jacket thankfully but oh my god..We really are moving. I got up, going downstairs. there were men taking our things into a truck filled with all of our stuff.

I shook my head, not believing my eyes. My mom looked at me, "Hello? Get in the car..Now." She walked out, i sighed and followed. I got in the car, buckling up. My mom smiled, "Ready pumpkin!" She asked. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window, my eyes watering.

Every minute went by and my crying got worse and worse, seeing the burger king me and Deena had our first date at..Seeing the bus stop that memory was filled with kisses and laughs. And then the school, that Deena was at right now. This was too much to handle for me..She doesn't even know i'm moving, or the fact that we are breaking up.

And i couldn't tell her anything.

Deenas pov:

I got to school, happy to see sam since we could still see each other at school. I walked to first hour smiling, and saw that she wasn't there..Maybe she was late? I thought to myself. The tardy bell rang, so she was most definitely not here today.. I sighed, wondering why she skipped school, she never does.. Unless i do too.

'Does she hate me?' 'Did she not go because she doesn't want to see my face?' 'Where is she?' 'Did she forget about me?' I couldn't stop worrying..wondering what the hell was going on.

Soon the whole day went by, i kept telling myself that she will come tomorrow, that she maybe just wanted to skip today. How did things get so twisted and real? Was this the end of us? Did she mean that we are done? Or are we actually taking a break?..

Sam's pov:

We soon arrived in Sunnyvale, for about 4 hours i just helped my mom unpack. Since it was the only thing i could really do.. Once everything was put into our new house i went straight to my room, not caring about anyone or anything.

I just layed down the rest of the evening, scared to start school again. I wasn't totally upset since this was my home town and i have lots of friends. But Deena wasn't here.. I am only 30 minutes away but, what would Deena think about that? Maybe this still can work, or maybe she will just be a distance memory. I thought to myself.

Time skip | September 10th, 1993
Deena's pov:

The past few days Sam still hasn't came to school.. I began to lose hope. Wondering where the fuck could she be? I thought about this all day but knew the time has come.

It was after school, i drove my car to sam's house just to check on her.. I would sneak through her window obviously but that was until.. A up for sale sign?! What the fuck? I sat there for a moment, confused. Then it all came to me.. She moved back to fucking Sunnyvale.

"FUCK!" I shouted. I began banging on my steering wheel, taking out all of my anger and then stopping. I bit my lip, trying to not cry and to just think. I got out my phone and began spamming her messages.

What the fuck sam. Why.
Why did you move back?

I thought we were gonna figure this out. You told me. Please answer me.

Sam. Fucking answer.

I never got any answers back, i gave up at this point. Im guessing her mom has her phone because she blocked me again but i went on instagram and her account was deleted. I now had no contact with her and all over her things were gone. Her mom still had me blocked but i texted her one last time.

Fine. Fuck this, don't ever speak to me again. This? Us? We are done.


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