part 13

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Hey, another update bc im bored— this is continuing chapter 12, enjoy reading <3

August 29th, 1993
Deenas pov;

—-  "Deena?" I opened the door, it was sam. Again.
I shook my head, trying to make it not noticeable that i was crying. "What do you want." She sighed, began playing with her fingers. "Can we talk. Please?.." I looked down, letting her in. She shut the door behind her, we stood there for a second. I sat on the bench. She followed my lead, "so what's up." I told her.

She looked at me, "Jack and was a one time thing. I just needed a distraction, from you." I looked at her, "Im so sorry sam. Really. I didn't mean for that to happen." She looked down and sighed, i furrowed my eyebrows, wiping my tear and looking down. She interrupted the silence, "If we are wanting this to continue, i just need time. Like a lot of it." I nodded, "I'd like that." She chuckled softly.

We looked at each other, trying to keep eye contact. She looked down and let our fingers interlock. We both sighed. "I love you sam." I told her. She looked at me, then slowly back at the floor. "I know." She told quietly. I looked at her, she looked at me. I slowly leaned in, she began to lean in also. I connected our lips, letting them meet again. We kissed for a few seconds before sliding our tongues in our mouths. nothing filling in the air but our lips making noises, she stopped and pushed me back.

I was confused, she got up. "Oh shit." I got up also, "What?" I told her. She backed away from me, "Im sorry i-i have to go, see you." she exclaimed. "Wait sam-" She walked out before i could even say anything. I instantly regretted what i just did. I went out and i saw sam hanging out with jack, they were laughing and smiling at each other. I shook my head, going home and skipping 6th and 7th period.

I got home and just listened to the playlist sam made me a few weeks ago. I got a notification, "@/samanthafr posted a new photo." I clicked on it and it was a picture of her and jack. I went through the comments, just curious.

"Omg soo cute!!"
"Okay jack i see you"
"Are yall dating? Please tell me you are"
"Sam?!! Wow you get the hot guys"
"He is definitely into her"
"Kiss kiss kiss"

I got off of instagram, sighing and layed down. Just thinking.. How much things have escalated so quickly. I tried listening to music, it usually called me down. But i couldn't help but cry. I did that until i couldn't stay awake anymore.


August 30th, 1993
Sams pov: i woke up, stretching and remembering that jack came home with me last night, he was slowly waking up. I smiled and he smiled too. "Hey." "Good morning beautiful." He told me. I blushed and he kissed me. He put his arm over me, squeezing my ass. I gasped, "Hey!! What did we talk about? Its way to early to be like that anyway." He nodded, and chuckled. "Rightt I'm sorry, you're just so sexy." We kissed again, "Shit we are late!"

We both got up and got dressed quickly, we both went out, waiting for our bus. We got on, sitting by each other waiting to get to school. We got off and jack hugged me, "See you later?" I nodded and he kissed me than made his way to class. I looked over and deena was in that parking spot she always had parked at, she was getting out of her car..She looked so tired, but pretty. I walked up to her, "Hey" She looked at me. "Oh..Hi."

It was a bit awkward between us so i decided to clear the air, "Hey im sorry about yesterday- i- i didn't mean to do that. I didn't want too." Deena nodded, "Ouch." I sighed, "No- you know what i mean." She nodded, "Yup totally." She walked off, i nodded and got to my locker.

I decided to skip class, i didn't want to face deena. So i followed my gut and went to the bathroom. I walked to a stall, they were all closed so i didn't know if anyone was in them. I opened every stall, until i got to the last one, just seeing if anyone was there. As soon as i tried to open it the brunette opened it and we were inches before our lips could touch. It was Deena. I flinched, "Shit you scared me."

"I did? Sorry." We were just holding eye contact for a minute or so, i sucked in some of my breaths..She was staring at me, her eyes so buried deep into mine. I couldn't help but struggle to not look away. She looked me up and down, walked over to the sink and sat on it. "So what you doing skipping fraser? Hm? What this is...your second time ever?" I rolled my eyes. "No. Im not that boring." We chuckled.

She looked me up and down a few times while we were talking. Her gaze catching me off guard, what was she up to? She licked her lips, "So what's up with you and jack?? Are you guys together or something?" I smiled softly, looking down. "We want to be.." She nodded, "You're sure about that?" I looked at her, "What do you mean? Of course i am?"

She hopped down, "God. You're hopeless." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. She got closer to me each second, until i was fully against the wall. She looked at me, admiring my looks. She unbuttoned my top a bit, putting her fingers on my chest ever so gently. My breathing began to hitch. Deena bit her lip. She moved my hair out of my face, kissing my neck. I was surprised, "D-Deena?- What are you doing??"

She didn't answer but instead kiss me more, groping my chest area. She kissed my lips then pulled away. "God..You are beautiful though. Fuck the things i'd do to you." I skipped a breath, she kissed me again. Unzipping my pants, putting her hands under my underwear. I tried to not moan loud but it was so hard not too, i began to get stiff and looked at her. She squeezed my inner thighs, i begged her to keep touching.

"W-Why'd you stop??" She smirked, and walked out. I was lost, why the hell would she do that. "I- Hello?!" She didn't respond. She looked down at herself, "Shit!" I buttoned myself back up and ran to my next period, science. Me and deena sat by each other. Right now i was pissed, wondering why she would just leave my like that. I sat next to her, looking the other way. "What's wrong?" She told me. "You know what." I sighed. "So you aren't over me then hm?" I rolled my eyes and she chuckled.

Hey!! thank you for reading my story so far!! Let me know what you think, or ideas you might have for the future chapters <3

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