part 5

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Hey!! Yes im updating because im bored so yeah enjoy!! <33

August 24th, 1993
Deenas pov
I woke up, sam immediately coming to my head. How we had our first kiss last night..well it wasn't planned and was probably a mistake but..I wanted to do it. Again. I checked the time, i was late. I groaned and jumped out of bed, josh left a note, "Rode the bus. :)" I was pissed. Thinking why the hell he didn't wake me up, i didn't care just was curious. I threw on a white shirt with a blue flannel, putting my hair in a low ponytail—letting some strands of hair fall in-front of my face.

I got to school, it was the middle of second period. I went to the office getting a pass, then heading to my locker. I grabbed my books and the bell rang, now having to head to 3rd hour, i rolled my eyes and made my way to class. "Pst" I heard behind me, i turned and it was sam, i smiled. "Hey!" Still walking with her, "Hi." Sam smiled, her cheeks hot pink, her plum colored lips parted. She looked confused, "Why weren't you in 1st or 2nd?" I sighed, "Woke up late." She furrowed her eyebrows, "But i saw your brother?" I nodded, "I know." She nodded back, looking at her books.

Me and sam got to 3rd period— science. We sat down, sam sat in front of me, Kate sat by me, she was my table partner. Kate soon sat down, Simon was sam's partner. Kate whispered, "Hey." I looked at her, "Whats up?" She shook her head, "nothing much." Simon looked back at me, "Hang out with us today." I bit my lip, "Uh i don't know.." Kate cut me off, "Cmon Johnson its a Friday. And you like NEVER hang out with us anymore." I sighed, "I've been busy..But sure. I'll be at your house." Kate smiled.

Sam was sitting quietly, i looked up at her, getting out paper writing a small note. "Sucks sitting behind you, i cant see you're pretty face :(" I got up, acting like i dropped a pencil and gave sam the note. She looked confused and i sat back down. She read it, looked back at me, smiling. I smiled back, messing with my paper trying to hide the fact that i was blushing.

Kate and Simon looked at us, they starting smiling too. Simon whispered to Kate, "told ya." I furrowed my eyebrows. They gave each other high fives. Me and sam were confused and sam turned back around. The whole class period was just blah blah blah, boring. I thing i was daydreaming because as soon as the put away my pencil the bell rang. I usually get to class pretty quickly but i was so tired and out of energy i got up slow, Kate and Simon told me they would see me later, they skipped. Sam was waiting for me by the classroom door, i sighed and went up to her.

We walked to 4th hour, "So i was thinking, after school or something, could we talk?" I looked at her, "Oh uhm i'm supposed to be hanging out with Kate and Simon..You could come with? And we could talk then." Sam looked down and shook her head, "Its fine.. I just want privacy when we talk so-..." I looked at her confused, "Why is everything okay?" She looked at me, biting the inside of her cheek, "Well- yeah yeah i just wanted to talk about the other night." I raised my eyebrows, nodding my head. "Oh..right uh we'll see..Do you still wanna come with me? To Kate and Simons?.." She nodded. "Okay..we lets go, don't wanna be late." She followed me to 4th period.

Soon after that it was lunch time, me and sam were walking together, talking while getting our lunches. We walked over to Kate and Simons table and sat down. Simon hugged sam from sitting down and they were smiling at each other. I didn't think anything of it but it sorta made me mad. I snapped out of my negative thoughts and took a sip of my water, and ate some of my cheese fries. Kate interrupted the silence, "So deena uhm change of plans, there is this party for the whole school since its Friday, at Melody's house...You should come with us, even you sam." I looked at sam, she was thinking. I nodded, "Uh sure, yeah uhm we'll go." Sam nodded, and Kate smiled. "Okay, just meet me at my place right after school, but look nice at least."

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly, and we had a 5 day weekend bc of stupid teacher meetings or whatever. I didn't want to look fancy so i just put on a black oversized t-shirt with jeans and my docs. I drove to sam's house to pick her up, i smiled. She was wearing a blue tank top with black shorts, her hair falling off her shoulders. I got out of my car quickly and opened the passenger seat door for her, she blushed and we giggled, she sat down and i closed the door. I got in the car, she looked at me, her pretty dimples showing. "Alright, lets do this thing." I responded, we gave each other high fives and got to Kate's.

Kate and simon hopped in the back seat and told me the address. We got to the party, Kate and Simon rushing to get out and saying hi to their friends, i opened the door for sam. Me and sam followed Kate and Simon, i thought it was a good moment to make a move, so i brushed my hand against hers, slowing making our hands hold. She looked down at our hands and i looked the opposite way. She held my hand tighter and we walked in the residence.

As soon as we walked in, the smell of beer and cigarette smoke was horrible. Loud music playing and people crowded everywhere corner to corner. We all tried to get past people we all made it to a kitchen, sighing. Kate and Simon got cups for us and them, the only option being beer and alcohol punch. I shook my head, "Yeah uhm I'm good." Kate looked at me, "Cmon Johnson you came to this party, your having a drink." I rolled my eyes, getting the punch. I took a small sip and my face turning into "ew" sam got a half a cup of beer. I poured my cup out and got water instead. Kate and Simon got mixes of beer and the punch..Gross.

Kate and Simon were dancing together for like 30 minutes, the music got louder by minute. Me and sam were standing next to each other just sipping on our drinks, sam had her arms crossed, bored out of her mind. I looked at her, trying to speak over the music, "Follow me."

She nodded and i walked up stairs, opening one bedroom door to people having sex, me and sam gasping and shutting the door instantly. We ran and looked for another door, we found a nice bedroom and i let her go in first, then i went in. Shutting the door behind me, we looked at each other trying not to laugh. We laughed and sam fell to the ground. I went over to her and picked her up, we sat on the bed. She sighed, "That was awesome." I looked at her, she looked back. We began laughing again then calming down. I cleared my throat, interrupting the silence, "So..What was it you wanted to talk about?"

Hey guys!! This one was really long wow im so sorry, but i hope you enjoyed part 5 of "Stalker." My next update will be very soon! <3

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