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(Victor's POV)

"Thank God, the chair problem is out of the way, I thought it would take forever." I tell Athena.

She laughs adorably, "Yes thankfully your dad offered to give my dad the chair. I don't know what my dad would have done otherwise"

"But your mom changed your dad's mind and he didn't accept anyways, which is good in a way, coz my dad is way too attached to furniture for some weird reason. I am pretty sure he wanted to give it to your dad only because he is my mate's father" I say.

"I don't know Victor, but I kind of feel as though that chair belongs here" she says yawning.

I chuckle "Enough about the chair" and go to boop her nose "You are too cute you know?" I ask her and she just rolls her eyes.

I put on some old ballroom music and ask her "Care for a dance?"

"I don't know how to dance Victor. Sorry" she giggles

"Who said you need to know dancing?" I say as I pull her up and plant her feet on mine.

"Victor your feet will hurt. I am heavy" Athena says shocked.

"Yeah... you are too heavy" I scoff.

I put her arms over my shoulder while mine go around her waist as I move around the room, more like a slow dance.

"This is good, I have to put in zero efforts to move" Athena says and I can't help but say "I love you" while I rest my forehead over hers.

She blushes hard, which is too adorable and looks into my eyes, "I love you too Victor."



(Athena's POV)

It is still night and windows are rattling due to the wind.

"Athena" I hear someone call my name and I groan. Not again.

This has to be that weird dream where I can't move and face that killer and I refuse to listen to the calling.

"Athena" this time it is a little louder but I don't want to follow that voice, I open one of my eyes to see that it is still dark and I am snuggling with Victor, his arm draped over me. I hear it again, argh no I won't budge.

I just move closer to Victor if that is even possible and he hugs me tighter while he sleeps, making me smile. He is the one. I think to myself and fall asleep.



"Athena it's me Agatha"

"What?" I get up out of shock and I don't find Victor beside me. "Victor" I call out and there's no reply. He's not in the bathroom so I go outside my room to see if he went back to his room.

But he said he won't go back to that room as he can't sleep without me.

I open the door to his room and it is empty.

I debate on going back to sleep but I want to know where he went, so I start walking downstairs.

"Athena it's me Agatha." And I whip around to find no one in the hallway and I rush to switch on the light. There is no one.

All of a sudden, I am in the living room and it is morning, sunlight flooding the hall and Victor is sitting on the floor beside the chair inspecting it.

"Victor" I call and he doesn't respond.

I go near him and he turns the chair slightly and pushes the engraved design on the back of the chair's headrest.

"Ask him to push it again" Agatha tells again and I turn around to find no one, "Victor, did you hear that voice?" I ask as I turn to face him and he is not there too. What the hell?

"Athena! Athena!" this time it's Victor's voice and everything is dark, I can't see anything.


And I wake up, sweating profusely. Victor holding me in his arms.

"Shit! you're shivering" he says.

After some time, I recognize that it is still dark outside and I am in bed and it seems that Victor never left my side. Another one of my freaking dreams!

"Let me guess? You had that nightmare again?" he asks.

"Yes and No Victor" I say.

"What?" he asks confused, clearly feeling sleepy.

"I meant Yes - it was a nightmare but No – it wasn't my usual nightmare, this one was different, someone was calling me, saying its Agatha. I refused to wake up but you were not there in bed so I went downstairs to find you in the living room inspecting the chair. Then I heard her voice again, but no one was there, suddenly it was in the morning and when I turned to look at you, you too were gone and then I heard your voice and woke up" I tell him.

He must think I am crazy.

"I know that look of yours Athena. Don't overthink. It is just some random dream. Everyone gets them. And I think you got it about me inspecting the chair because we were talking about it before we slept." Victor says trying to calm me.

"But Victor, last time I dreamt about that chair, you know about that crimson thing engraved on it, I didn't expect my dream to be real!" I exclaim and he sighs pulling me into his arms once again, "I know baby... I know... I will speak to the elders asking if a human can have premonition abilities. But you don't worry."

"What abilities?" I ask

"Premonition – it is more like a strong feeling that something is about to happen. Only witches have such foretelling abilities. A human cannot have them and you are definitely not a witch, so I am betting that it is mere coincidence. We will think about it, if any more of your dreams come true. But for now, don't fret and remember that I will always be by your side no matter what okay?"


"Good, now let us get some sleep love" he says as he tucks me in the bed.

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