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(Athena's POV)

I really don't know what to think of, today has been very strange. First a guy threatens to kill me during his escape and then Victor Cage himself, takes me to the doctor. Later he just asks me to have dinner with him. He was so blunt. He didn't even wait for my reply. Should I be mad at his arrogant nature and not go? My thoughts get interrupted with a squeal from Betty, "I can't believe he asked you out for dinner."

I was annoyed "Betty I'm not going" I say to her, I mean I'm not one of these girls who will fall head over heels and lay down their lives to get stomped all over. Yes, he is attractive and rich, but I have other preferences and an arrogant CEO doesn't make the cut. I can't help thinking that I may regret not going to the dinner. Betty pulls me out of my thoughts again and says "Come on Athena, you don't have to have anything serious with him, just go have dinner, if he behaves rude, just tell him off and come back... But don't miss it, something in my gut tells me that you guys will make a great couple". I groan...

Betty is right and I don't want to be an escapist. Also, I would really love to give him a piece of my mind if he gets rude again. "Okay, help me pick a dress" I say. Betty squeals again and hugs me.

Betty and Max are having a movie marathon in their room tonight. I'm wearing a red knee length dress, that I know looks pretty great on me, I leave my hair out and put on light make up. I finish getting ready at around 5 minutes to 7, when I hear a knock on my door.

{Hey peeps! I know it's a very short chapter... But I am having a pretty hectic week... I promise to update regularly soon.}  

Athena Crimson ✓Where stories live. Discover now