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"Hey, Link? You promise to come back, right?"

"Of course, Amethyst. I'll be back as soon as we finish at the spring. I promise."

Her smile grew weak as she watched the sunset. The terrible feeling still hadn't gone. And yet, there was nothing she could do.

"Orders from His Highness can't be ignored, I guess."

Link turned to her, giving her a sad smile.

"I won't be gone forever. It should be a couple weeks, at most."

He lifted his hand, but stopped short.

"You'll be okay?"

"I'll just continue my training as a Lady in Waiting for the Princess. Impa said she'll help me if I need her."

"She didn't go back to Kakariko?"

"Not yet. She will soon, though."

Silence grew between them as a soft breeze rose.

"Be careful while you're out there?"


"I love you, Link."

"I love you too, Mey."

Her smile grew, before she sighed.

"Well, you'd best be off to bed now. I'm pretty sure Princess Zelda wants to leave at sunrise."

The pair stood, before quickly parting.

~ * ~

Rain poured from the sky. Just as it did that night. Only, this time, the Calamity was gone. And yet, the situation seemed urgent.

"What could Impa want at this point? I was in the middle of that mission..."

The girl paused in a tree, before pulling her mask down.

"And if I don't stop to breathe, I'll pass out-"

"Come on, we're almost there!"

Her eyes widened at the familiar voice. One she hadn't heard in a long time. Her eyes trailed over the path, but she didn't spot them.

"Must have been my imagination," she muttered.

She lifted the mask over her mouth again, before she took off.

Minutes passed, and she landed outside Impa's house. Paya jumped in shock, squealing as she ran inside.

"Paya, it's just... me..."

She sighed, rubbing her eyes. She pulled the mask down again, before slipping inside.

"Impa? I'm back..."

The older woman was nowhere in sight. The girl sighed again, before kneeling in front of the empty cushion.

"I'm so happy to see Impa again! Last I saw her was before we left for the spring!"

The girl tensed up at the voice as the door opened. She held still as the voice grew quiet.

"Who are you?" They asked.

"I... I..."

"Ah, you three are here."

They turned their attention to the stairs, where Impa stood.


"It's so good to see you again, Princess."

"Impa why did you call me back? I hadn't finished my mission."

"I have a new mission for you, Amethyst."

The wood creaked behind her, before a voice spoke.


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