~Chapter 5~

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Zelda jumped as my glare hit her, the door squeaking open.

"A-Amethyst, we're going to head out soon..."

"I told you not to wake her up," Link chuckled from behind her.

Zelda pouted as she grabbed my wrist and pulled me out.

"Come on, we have to get going soon!"


"Wherever the Sheikah Slate takes us!"

"Like that'll help."

We moved out the front door as Link followed, our bags slung over his shoulder.

"Do we have to go now? Why can't we wait, I dunno, another week?"

"Time won't wait for us. And Link wants his memories back! So let's help him!"

I pressed my lips together, glancing at my hand.

"Why... why don't I stay behind, and you two go on...?"

"You're the one who wanted to travel."

I glanced back at Link, frowning.

"Yeah, but..."

"No better time than the present."


My eyes landed on the horses waiting by the bridge.

"I don't think this is a good idea."

I pulled out of Zelda's grasp, stopping. She turned back to me, frowning.

"Why not?"

"Horses don't like me."

Her eyes widened as she glanced at them, pausing.

"But they used to."

"Th-things changed. It's not like it used to be..."

Link took my hand, pulling me towards the horses.

"No, don't do that-"

We stopped in front of his horse. I squeezed my eyes shut, forcing my head down.

"Are you nervous?"

I nodded, clenching my tunic.

"They can sense that. Open your eyes."

Link lifted my chin as I opened an eye, coming face to face with his horse. I jumped back into him, holding my hand.

His horse sighed as he reached out and pet it.

"It's okay, Mey. You can't hurt it."

"You could hurt it and more."

I grit my teeth as the horse glanced at me.

"It's scared of you."

"Stop it."

"Why don't you-"


Zelda placed an apple in my hand, Link's horse moving its head toward my hand.

"Hold the apple out for her."

Link guided my hand, helping hold me still. His horse sniffed the apple, before munching it out of my hand.

"Gross," I whispered as saliva hit my skin.

Zelda giggled, giving her horse an apple.

"See? The horses aren't so bad. But they can sense your anxiety, and it makes them anxious, too."

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