~Chapter 27~

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"Majora tried to use the moon to destroy Termina long ago. He took over our friend Skull Kid. The Link of that time stopped him, and everything went back to normal."

"How did he stop him?"

"With the power of the Fierce Deity mask... Although we don't know what happened to it after."

"Would the Triforce be able to help?"

"It could, but we don't want to use it until we have to deal with Ganon. Then we can seal him away."

Zelda looked down, nodding.

"And we didn't have much time to prepare, so we couldn't call any others to help."

Zelda rubbed at her eyes, and I glanced back at Majora. It danced around as Tael flew by it.

"There are others, but they're trying to get ready. They aren't able to get here yet."


"From the past! They're coming to help you get Amethyst back!"

My eyes widened as Tael cried out. Tatl rushed over to him, pulling him away. I grit my teeth, before rushing from the bush we hid behind. The others stayed behind me as I held my sword up.

"Nope! Not today!"

Majora jumped out of the way, laughing as they did.

"You're too slow! And you're so small, too! You can't even do anything this time!"

I grit my teeth, spinning around to face it.

"You won't stop me! You're too weak!"

"Master, please don't listen to it."

I glanced at my sword as it glowed.

"We are on our way to help. Please, just hold out for a little longer!"

I looked back up in time to see Majora flying for me. I scrambled out of the way, moving further into the field.

"You've already tried this once, it won't work!"

"Link, look out!"

I grit my teeth, dodging again.

"What am I supposed to do?!"

A light flashed, and Majora let out a cry. I blinked, letting my vision clear as a robed figure stood up.

"It's about time!" they said.

Several others appeared, taking off.

"Zant, I know you're here! Show yourself!"



The others appeared one by one until Amethyst hovered above them.

"It seems you stalled long enough for the others to arrive... All of you, get them!"

Everyone took off, and I regrouped with Zelda.

"I don't know who anyone is. I've never seen them before."

"Neither have I..."

"No worries, little guy! They're all here to help us!"

We were lifted from our feet and into the air. I glanced down, stuttering in shock.


He laughed out as Urbosa stopped next to him, followed by the others.

"How are you here?"

"With the help of Amethyst!"

"MeyMey? How?"

"She's still trapped in there, fighting against Ganon. He's taken control of her body and pushed us all out. Thankfully, we were able to rejoin the others, and we used what power we had to come here to help!"

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