~Chapter 18~

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I glanced up as there was a knock on the box. Link knelt down, peering in.

"You fell asleep in here again?" he asked.

"If that's what you want to call it, sure."

He frowned, holding his hand out to pull me up.

"You didn't sleep, did you?"

"Not a wink. They won't shut up about going to the castle, even though we are headed there after all this."

"Are they always in your head?"

"Sometimes they'll shut up. Other times they won't shut up."

Link nodded as I brushed off my tunic, then rubbed at my eyes.

"Not to mention they like to remind me how useless I am."

"You're not useless at all, though! You've been a great help so far!"

"You try to look on the bright side, huh?"

The Goron's chuckles rose, and I couldn't help but smile.

"That I do. But, hey! It got you to smile!"

"Yes, I suppose so..."

I looked up as Zelda pet her horse, holding out a carrot for it. I stopped away from the horses, watching as they got ready to head out.

"I've noticed you keep your distance from the horses. Are you scared of them or somethin'?"

"More like, they're scared of me. Anytime I go near them, they freak out. It's... been like that since that night."

"I see... It would be nice if we could tell them you're not so bad!"

"If only it were that simple."

Link took my hand, leading me over to his horse.

"What about Little Guy's horse? It doesn't freak out on you!"

"Only because he's with me. It was hard to get it to trust me when we started traveling."

"Have you tried spending time with it on your own?"

"I haven't..."

"I wonder if that would be any help? Although, I do know how hard it can be to be alone with them. I've had my share of troubles!"

"With horses?"

"No, not horses!"

He chuckled nervously as we started moving.

"I've been terrified of dogs since I was young. They would chase me all over and wouldn't stop. Even after I grew up, that fear still didn't go away. Heck, I'm still scared of them now, and I'm on Vah Rudania as a spirit!"

"Really? I never would've known..."

"Mhm! But... it's something you take at your own time. You can't force it, or it won't feel any better. Don't worry about taking your time with the horses. I'm sure they'll warm up to you soon enough!"


"Of course!"

"We're heading for the Garrison Ruins today, right?" I asked.

"Yep! We'll stop there for the memory, then we'll head for the next stable. There are a couple ponds, and Lake Kolomo if we need to stop at all."

"I've never been to the Garrison before!" Zelda exclaimed.

"I don't remember the last time I was there. It might've been before I transferred to the castle as your guard. Maybe I'll find out more in the memory there..."

"We'll see."

Link glanced back at me, smiling softly.

"You doing alright?"

"For the most part. I'm on the back of a horse that might be absolutely terrified of me, and I have a whole day of riding ahead."

He chuckled, shaking his head.

"It can't be too bad. She's been doing good this whole time and hasn't freaked out too much."

"Too much."

"Well, y'know. They don't like monsters and all."


I waited for a comment to come. Instead, my shock grew.

"Do not worry! I'm blocking them out until you meet Urbosa! She'll probably join us in the next couple of days!"

"I heard a lot about Urbosa... I never got to meet her before."

"She's lovely! I think you'll like her!"

"Yes, you will like her!"


"Yes, I'm still here! Since there's two of us now, you hopefully shouldn't be hearing the others. With Urbosa's help there won't be a chance of them breaking through!"

Something moved to my right, and I turned my head, my heart racing. A couple birds landed by some bushes, hopping around as they pecked at the ground.

I took a shaky breath, turning my attention back ahead of us. A merchant passed us, their horse jumping away as I made eye contact.

I turned my attention away as Link reached back and took my hand.

"I'm sure today will be calm. We'll make it to the ruins, then to the stable with no problems," he said.

I nodded, though I didn't feel any less nervous. All I could say was I knew they were planning something. Something big. Something soon.

~ * ~

We are on our way to meet Urbosa! My plans have definitely changed slightly in the future chapters, but I am excited to have her join us hehe

If there's anything I remember about the Champions after years of not playing, it's that Daruk's terrified of dogs XD. I wanted to include it since Mey does struggle being near the horses. And he can't help but try to encourage her a little hehe

Oh! And the next couple chapters get a little deep (imo), and are on the darker side??? At least, I think so. We'll get to see more of the darker side of Meymey shortly 👀

 We'll get to see more of the darker side of Meymey shortly 👀

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