~Chapter 20~

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Everyone around me was quiet. Even the two voices who always commented on everything stayed quiet. They dared not look at him. Not as he was now.

I kept my gaze on the ground as I felt the anger radiating off him. The slightest bit of movement made me twitch in fear.

"Why did you disobey me again?"

I winced, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Why did you disobey me, again?"

"Because you won't win!"

I grit my teeth, clutching the edge of my tunic as I shook.

"Yes, all thanks to you... You think I don't have any backup plans? I've been working on this for centuries now!"

"You won't win. I won't let you."

"Let me?! And what will you do? Call on the Goddesses? They don't care for you! None of them do!"

"Then why haven't they let you win. After all this time?! Why are you still struggling against them?!"


I winced, stepping back.

"You. Keep an eye on her. She responded best to you. Keep her in check."

"Of course, My Lord."

Tears stung my eyes, one slipping out. I quickly wiped it away, hoping they didn't notice.

"And you."

I winced again as I heard him turn to me.

"You are weak and pathetic."

They faded into the darkness as I let go of my tunic.

"You think I don't know that? That's all anyone's been telling me for over a century now. I'm just a puppet, aren't I? Puppets don't have any worth to them. They're just meant to be cast aside. Right?!"

I looked up, everything coming back into focus. I could see his eyes squint as he glared down at me.

"I have a constant reminder every day, that I'm nothing! That I'm useless! And I don't need another one adding to that! I've been like this since before you made me a puppet. Do you think you have any control over me? Besides this cursed power you gave me?!"

A gust of wind knocked me back, and I let out a whimper.

"Get out of my sight!"

I looked up, to find the room had gone, along with everyone else. Only a figure remained, and they stayed in the dark. A gloved hand reached out, helping me up.

"I'd suggest you listen to him. Things can be much worse than this."

~ * ~

I opened my eyes, blinking wearily.

"I feel... empty..."

"This is your punishment, this time. It could've been much worse, so be grateful for this."

"Why should I be grateful for being abused?"

"You haven't had to go through what the rest of us did. And we died willingly for him."

I grit my teeth, and a tear slipped out.

"I don't have time to cry."

I pushed myself to sit up, but whimpered as pain shot through my body. I gave up on trying, and just lay there.

"I'm guessing we're in a stable, again."


"But which one?"

"That, I am not sure of."

I turned to my head, looking at both sides of the bed. But Link and Zelda were nowhere in sight.

"They probably abandoned me, so they wouldn't have to deal with me anymore."

"It's a possibility."

More tears slipped out, and I closed my eyes.

"Maybe, if I could just..."

"I wouldn't recommend it. It won't do you any good. You've seen the others."

I let a quiet whimper out, before I rolled over, pulling the blanket over my head.

"Sleep as much as you want. Prepare yourself as best as you can. Your time to shine is coming, very soon."

~ * ~

Very short. Very, very short. And yet, another filler chapter while I tried to figure out how I was doing mentally (it wasn't good ehe). And, of course, there must be angst, so I included lots of it! Next chapter will have some angst, just not as much I think lolol

 And, of course, there must be angst, so I included lots of it! Next chapter will have some angst, just not as much I think lolol

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