~Chapter 17~

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"How do you want to go about this, Link?"

Zelda looked down at the Sheikah Slate as our horses walked down the path. Link held a separate map in his hands. I watched over his shoulder as he looked at the paths ahead.

"If we push it, we can reach the Riverside Stable late tonight. Then we can rest and see if there's anything we'll need to buy before we head out again. Then we can head up to the Garrison Ruins before going to the Outskirt Stable."

"And once we've finished up there, we'll decide our next move?" I asked.

Link nodded, folding up his map.

"Does that sound alright to you both?"

"I don't have any problems with it," I said.

"Neither do I. Just whatever we need to do, let's get it done," Zelda said with a soft smile.

"And we'll have the river the way there, in case the horses need a moment to rest. We also have our gear if we have to stop in the middle of the night."

"It... would be better if we could make it to the stable... Y'know, cause of the monsters."

Link glanced back at me, but nodded.

"And we all know how to use a weapon. So if worse comes to worst, we can take turns keeping watch while the others sleep."

"We'll see about that."

Link shook his head, but I caught a glimpse of the smile on his face.

"How have you been sleeping, Amethyst? Are you feeling a little better?" Zelda asked.

"A... a little bit. It's not as bad as the other day."

"It could've been so much worse, though..."

"That's good. And make sure not to push yourself, too, okay? Keep getting some sleep while we're resting. You've been trying very hard this whole time. But you deserve to rest."

I shrugged, looking away.

"Sometimes, it's just hard to sleep."

"If only we had some milk. Impa used to warm some up for me when I had trouble sleeping. It helped me all the time."

"Maybe it's something we can try, when we get the chance?"

"When will that be?"

My gaze dropped quickly at the raspy voice.

"So you're suddenly not sick of me, now?"

"I've had time to get used to you. They finally let you back after almost spilling all your secrets?"


I rested my head on Link's back, finding a loose string from my glove to play with.

"You doing alright?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine..."

"You sure?"

I chuckled softly, raising my head.

"Well, if I'm not fine now... I'll be fine, eventually."

"That could be a long time from now."

"It could, or it couldn't. Who knows, maybe the Goddesses are planning something spectacular for me."

Zelda snickered off to the side as she fiddled with the Sheikah Slate.

"They could plan something big for all of us. And we wouldn't have a clue."

"You have no idea what's coming ahead of you. I'm sure you all will greatly appreciate his plans for you."

"I didn't say you could talk."

"I don't need permission from someone like you."

"Have I been demoted, then?"

"You never were promoted."

I rolled my eyes, letting my gaze wander over to the river. A horse stood on the other side, watching as we passed. Its ears twitched nervously, and I looked away.

"You are in my head, interfering in my life. I think I can tell you when to shut up or not."

My hand burned, and my head ached. I winced, willing every muscle of mine to not move to not alert the others.

"You're just a puppet. You were supposed to die, remember? Or do you not remember the conversation you had with the boy?"

I frowned, closing my eyes.

"May I ask how this concerns you?"

"You weren't supposed to tell him anything. What you told him already has caused us enough problems. He knows too much now."

"I hardly told him anything. It wasn't enough to ruin your plans."

"But he knows there is one now! He's gonna try to stop it!"

"Don't you think they would've already figured that out? Monsters are still appearing, despite the Calamity being locked away. They're not stupid."

The voice growled as I opened my eyes, glancing around the path in front of us. Thims Bridge was moving closer by the second, which would put us closer to the castle.

Link glanced back at me as his horse slowed, Zelda moving ahead.

"We will do a bit of backtracking, just so we can avoid the castle for the time being. I hope that's okay."

"Yeah, that's fine. Thanks."

He nodded, turning back ahead.

"He's trying to keep you from the castle!"

"We're going, eventually. Just not as soon as you want. I'm holding off as long as I can so I don't have to go through with this."

"You can't avoid your fate!"

"I know that! All of you have reminded me since I got this cursed power!"

The voice shut up as I took a shaky breath, resting my head on Link's back again.

"We'll reach a spot to rest soon," he said.

I nodded weakly, before sighing.

"I won't have to deal with these voices for too much longer..."

~ * ~

A little shorter this time, but it's another in between kinda chapter.

Just out of curiosity, what are you thoughts on the story so far? Any theories you might have?

I know the journey in writing it has been super bumpy for me, but I've really enjoyed getting to develop it so much after years of not touching it hehe

Anyway, I hope you've been enjoying it so far!

Anyway, I hope you've been enjoying it so far!

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