~Chapter 10~

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Warm arms embraced me as I looked up. Zelda knelt next to me as Link pulled me into a hug.

"Amethyst, are you okay?"

My lips trembled as tears stung my eyes. Link pulled back, cupping my cheeks with his hands.

"What's wrong?"

"I... I can't..."

"You can't what?"

Their voices were calm, caring. But a part of me felt like they were angry.

"It's my fault."

Tears slipped out as a quiet sob escaped my lips.

"It'll be okay, Mey. Just tell us what's wrong, so we can try to help you."

"You need to focus on yourselves. Getting your memories back. Fixing Hyrule. I'm nothing in your story. You have more importance than I do. Just take care of what you need to... Just do it without me-"

"No. This isn't just for Zelda and I. This is for all of us. There's a reason the three of us are still here after so long. You're meant to be here."

"I'm just a pawn. I'll be the downfall of everything."

"No, don't say that Meymey..."

"You weren't there to see what happened to me. I already know what'll happen."

My voice cracked as I furiously wiped my tears away. I tried to cover my face and hide away, but both Link and Zelda hugged me tightly.

"You're not in this alone, Amethyst. We're here for you, too. You can tell us everything. There's no need to fear how we'll respond."

"You don't understand," I whispered.

"We may not understand, but that doesn't mean we won't try to."

Their arms tightened around me, Link's the most.

"You can tell us what happened. It'll be alright."

I grabbed my wrist, squeezing it.

"You'll hate me."

"No, we won't hate you."

"You will."

I squeezed my eyes shut, letting my tears fall free, my shoulders shaking. Zelda ran her fingers through my hair as Link patted my back. He took my hand, squeezing it.

"We're here for you. Whenever you're ready to tell us, we'll be here."

They slowly pulled away, staying close to my side.

"Do you want us to rest at the stable for a day? Take some time before we continue..."

"No. We have to keep going."

Zelda took my other hand. I glanced at our entwined fingers, resisting the urge to hide my face.

"Are you sure?"

I hesitated, before nodding quickly. I pulled my hand from theirs, wiping at my eyes again.

"Let's just keep going for now..."

We got to our feet, before they led me over to the horses. We mounted up, and the horses began moving.

After several minutes, I hesitantly wrapped my arms around Link's waist, resting my cheek on his shoulder. I felt him glance back at me as he placed his hand on mine.

"We're near Crenel Peak... If we push it, we could probably reach Inogo Bridge by nightfall. Then we can move on to the next memory in the morning."

"What do you say, Mey?"

"Do what you want."

I closed my eyes, letting out a shaky sigh.

"Then let's go ahead with that. There's still many memories to go find."

My eyes opened as a bird flew past, landing on a tree nearby. I watched as it tweeted, before turning to watch us pass.

"I wish I were free like that."

"It's a shame you can't be."

I let my gaze fall, my frown deepening.

"Can't I have peace for just a day?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Oh! While I remember! Link, do you remember me talking of the voice coming from the Master Sword?"

"Yes, what of it?"

"I started hearing it again not too long ago. After you'd defeated the Calamity."

"What has it been saying?"

"Ah, Fi is still trying to communicate? I was curious how she'd been after all this time. I was able to stop her for so long, but it seems my power's slipped. I wonder why that could be?"

"Shut up."

I lifted my head, glancing over Link's shoulder. My eyes quickly landed on the Master Sword right next to me. I eyed it curiously, before turning away.

"Curious about the sword's spirit, are you?"

"Leave me alone."

We reached Thims bridge, the horses' hooves clacking on the wood.

"Looks like a storm."

Link and Zelda looked up, our eyes trained on the clouds above.

"It doesn't look too bad. We should still be careful though."

I kept my eyes trained on the clouds, watching as lightning flashed, thunder rumbling soon after. I wiped at my eyes again, reaching for my waterskin.

"Don't screw things up again."

~ * ~

A bit more angst for this chapter. As of writing this note, I haven't added an angst tag to the fic (if it wasn't there, it is now lol), but I might just do that XD This story gets pretty dark, well, I'm planning for it. Especially in the end. I have an extremely rough idea that's been in my head since I started the fic in 2017, but we'll see where the story goes hehe I am trying to keep it as close as I can to what I originally planned for the end, with a bit of an upgrade to make it better than back then lolol

 I have an extremely rough idea that's been in my head since I started the fic in 2017, but we'll see where the story goes hehe I am trying to keep it as close as I can to what I originally planned for the end, with a bit of an upgrade to make it ...

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