~Chapter 29~

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Demise let out a cry as my sword hit, and he jumped away. My legs shook under me as I scrambled back.

The rain poured down as I stood out of breath. Demise stood not far from me, holding onto his arm. I grit my teeth, wiping the rain from my eyes as I pushed myself up.

"Not bad, so far. But how much longer can you last, hm? You're not as strong as you used to be!"

"Please, ignore him, Master. He's trying to upset you."

"He already has enough."

I let out a shaky breath, taking a shaky step forward.

"You can barely hold yourself up! How are you supposed to fight me?"

"Demise has changed since we last fought him. He's had too long to get corrupted even further with the power of the Triforce. But we can still win. There's a 95 percent chance we'll win."

"And that other five percent?"

"If you give in to his taunting."

"Link! Link!"

Zelda ran over to me, getting as close to the barrier as she could.

"We have a plan. We just need you to weaken him as much as you can. The others can help us get this done!"

"You guys can't get past the barrier, how can you help?"

"Midna is working on it. We'll join you as soon as we can!"

She took off to join the others, and I turned my attention back to Demise.

"He's getting ready to attack."

He rushed forward, and I dodged, running to another side of the barrier.

"Fi, how do I weaken him when I've only hit him once now?"

"Don't let your anger control you. I know this is difficult, but you just have to be patient and wait for an opening. If you stay defensive, you'll wear him down. Then there will be an opening."

I rolled away, dodging another attack. We kept at him, Demise trying to attack and I moved away.

"Just a little longer, they're almost ready."

"Stop stalling! I know what you're doing!"

Lightning flashed as the barrier fell, and Demise turned his attention to the others. I rushed over to cover them as he started in their direction.

I raised my sword just as he brought his down, nearly missing one of the fairies as they flew away.

"I won't let you hurt them!"

"You don't have to let me."

He grinned as I slowly pushed him back, using all the strength I had.

"Get away from them, now."

I knocked him back; the sword slipping from his hand. His face fell as I slashed away, putting everything I had into getting him back.

"Your efforts are futile! You can't stop me!"

My sword cut his arms as he tried to block, but I still kept him back.

"This is what you get for hurting Amethyst, and everyone else!"

He slipped on the mud, falling on his back. A light arrow hit him in the stomach, and he yelled out in pain.

"Now, everyone!"

Demise scrambled to his feet as the others rushed forward, their weapons raised. Zelda stopped at my side, placing her hand on my shoulder. Our eyes met, before we nodded.

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