~Chapter 23~

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As much as I hated to admit it, sometimes sitting around doing nothing was nice. Letting yourself relax, not worrying that the end of the world is coming...

"Although... if I hadn't pushed myself, we wouldn't be out here now..."

I glanced back at Jeddo Bridge, sighing.

Link and Zelda waited another week once I could walk again before we headed out. And it had been four days since we left.

I turned forward, closing my eyes.

"How long has it been? Since I woke up?"

"Almost three weeks."

"That's a lot of wasted time... he won't be happy."

"He shouldn't be. We're planning to stop him, and end his reign in this life."

"I wish he didn't have this master plan to bring everything down..."

"If everything goes to plan, we should reach Tabantha Stable tonight. And the both of you can sleep in, since we'll stop at the fairy fountain tomorrow night. Then we'll reach the Rito Stable in two days."

I opened my eyes, glancing over at Zelda.

"And it'll be safe at the fountain?"

"Yep! Monsters don't go near any of them. Actually, if they bothered them enough, the Great Fairies could come out and take care of them. But they only really have problems with monsters, I've noticed," Link responded.

"How did you find that out?"

"A Lizalfos chased me near a fountain. The Great Fairy wasn't too happy about it..."

Link chuckled nervously as we passed a traveler.

"As long as there's no chance of us running into monsters..."

He reached back, taking my hand.

"It'll be fine. Besides, we're here to keep you safe."

"You shouldn't have to..." I mumbled.

"Mm... what if we want to?"

"You're crazy."

Zelda smiled, glancing over at us.

"Maybe so. But that doesn't change the fact that we want to help you."

I shrugged, looking away.

"Yeah, yeah..."

I glanced at the map in Zelda's hand, before turning to the path ahead of us. Storm clouds brewed ahead, thunder rumbling.

"Looks like another storm," I mumbled.

"We'll reach the stable before the storm comes. It could be moving away, actually."

"Uh huh."

~ * ~

I stared outside the stable, watching as the rain poured.

"Moving away from us, huh?"

Link giggled next to me as he fidgeted with the Sheikah Slate.

"It looked like it. It actually wasn't moving close until we got closer to the stable."

"Must've been the wind, then."


He glanced behind us as someone shifted in their chair.

"How are you feeling so far?"

"I'm sore. I want to sleep. I want to do something. The fate of the world is basically sitting on my shoulders... nothing much..."

"I know how you feel..."

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