~Chapter 13~

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I kept my gaze down as we made our way to Inogo Bridge. The others walked ahead, looking at the Sheikah Slate as we kept going. My grip on my sword tightened as we passed the Zora guard standing nearby.

"I've never heard that voice before today... But they seemed like they knew me. I've never been to the Zora city before, and I don't know any of them by name..."

I grit my teeth, raising my hand to hold my head.

"Maybe you're just thinking about it too much?"

"I bet you know who the voice was."

"Mm, not really. All of us are not from this time. Me especially. Goodness, I don't really remember-"

I blocked the voice out as we reached the horses. Zelda's stepped away nervously as I neared. A sigh escaped before I could stop it as I slowed to a stop.

"What's wrong, Amethyst?" Link asked.

"I... I feel like I should go back to Hateno, or even Kakariko... it really wasn't a good idea for me to come with you-"

"How come?"


Link held his hand out to help me up. I squinted at the sun shining behind him as I took his hand. He pulled me up, before urging his horse forward. Zelda moved ahead of us, fidgeting with her dagger at her side.

"You haven't caused any problems for us. I don't see why you shouldn't have come. Besides, you've always wanted to see the world."

"Not like this..."

"I... I have caused problems, though. Lots of them. It's... all I've been good at doing, lately," I mumbled.

Link reached back, taking my hand.

"We know that's not true. And you're good at all kinds of things. You can learn fast, you know how to use a sword, your cooking is amazing-"

"You still can't think past your stomach sometimes, can you?"

He giggled, and I smiled.

"When was the last time I heard him giggle?"

"Besides, I haven't cooked in a long time. I probably suck now."

"I could go hunting, and we could try it out. After we reach the stable, since they'll have a pot and fire to cook with."

"I guess I could try..."

My hand stung, and I pulled it away from Link's, grabbing my wrist.

"Remember, darling. Don't get close to him. It'll only make everything worse later."

"Are you trying to care for me?"

"Just looking out for an ally."

"We are not allies."

"We follow under the same rule, don't we?"

I frowned, looking out over the water. Without a second thought, I pulled my hood up, keeping my head down.

"If you ever need to tell us anything, we're here to listen."

I glanced up, staring at the back of his head.

"I... I can't..."

"We won't force you. Just whenever you're ready."

"You can't ever tell them anything," a raspy voice said.

I shivered at the voice, clutching at my cloak.

"Hm? Amethyst?"

"I-I'll be fine. Just a little chill..."

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