~Chapter 22~

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The only word that could describe how I felt was humiliated. It was like they were treating me like a child learning how to walk. Except... I really couldn't move on my own.

My knuckles turned white as I clung to Link, slowly moving across the floor of the stable. My legs shook under me as we kept moving closer to my bed.

"How could it have been worse than this?" I grumbled.


"The voice said Ganon's done worse to the others, and I'm lucky. I don't see how needing to relearn the basics is lucky."


I took another step, wincing. My grip on Link's shoulder tightened, but he stayed silent. I took a shaky breath, before willing my other leg to move.

Footsteps moved behind me, followed by a quiet clunk. Link sat me on the chair, letting me rest.

"That's a step less than yesterday..."

Link crouched next to me as Zelda pulled her own chair over.

"He could've permanently crippled you. Or turned you into a mindless slave. Or trapped you somewhere so you can't do anything."

"You're not helping..."

"Well, they weren't lying when they said it could've been worse."

"There's always something that could be worse."

"You're not wrong. But we can at least rebuild your strength and get you back on your feet."

"It's been four days, and I can't even make it a quarter across the room."

"You just gotta take baby steps."

"I need to be ready-"

"We'll get you ready. But you have to be patient with your body. You can only push yourself so much. And if you push too far, you'll only make it worse."

I let out a growl, turning away.

"At this rate, we'll be here for years. We don't have years."

"And right now, this is the safest place for you to build your strength. The next stable is about a day away. And if we run into trouble, who's gonna keep you safe?"


"When you can't move without help? You can't even lift Zelda's dagger on your own. And you cling to me like your life will end when I help you walk."

I reached up, rubbing my eyes.

"I hate feeling this useless. That's all anyone's called me the past century."

"You're not useless. You're recovering. And you'll regain your strength and be back to normal."

I sighed, letting my head fall back.

"Would it be possible that he's making it so I can't regain my strength?"

"It could be possible, but we've been stopping anything that's tried to reach through. His power should have little to no effect on you."

I sighed again as Zelda took my hand.

"It's okay, MeyMey! You're making great progress!"

"A step less than yesterday isn't progress."

"But you've been improving. You were able to stay up longer, even if you didn't take as many steps. Part of rebuilding your strength isn't in just the amount of steps you take. It's how long you stay up, the size of your steps, your breathing techniques. I'm keeping track of all of it to see what we need to work on. And whether you realize it or not, you are making progress."

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