~Chapter 3~

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I sat under a tree as I watched Zelda play in the water. I smiled softly, then jumped as Link plopped next to me.

"Why don't you join her?" He asked.

"I could ask you the same thing."

Link chuckled as he picked at the Sheikah Slate, the picture opened up and waiting.

"She struggled a lot, back then. She's still struggling now, so any down time we can take, I let her. It's the least I can do, now that everything's settled."

"Settled, huh? Wouldn't that be nice?"


"Yeah, I can't imagine what the two of you went through. I wasn't there for most of it, so I only know some of what happened. It was hard for me as is, it must've been worse for you."


We grew quiet as Zelda giggled, splashing in the water.

"Y'know, you talk a lot more than you did back then."


"You rarely talked to the Princess, or anyone. I was lucky when I could get you to talk."

"Weren't we friends or something?"

I frowned, turning my head.

"I guess you could say that."

Zelda plopped next to me, out of breath.

"Having fun yet?" Link poked.

"Neither of you joined me, so you'd never know," she said, laughing.

My smile returned briefly, before I stood up.

"The spot in that picture is by that old camp over there. There's usually Bokoblins there, but I'm not seeing them."

"Maybe they disappeared with the rest of the monsters?"

"Oh! But there's more on the way!"

I grit my teeth, before taking a shaky breath.

"Well? Whenever you're ready..."

I dragged my feet in the sand, taking my time. Link and Zelda took off ahead, moving over to the rundown camp.

I rested my hand on my sword as my eyes landed on the water.

"Where are they?"

"Where's who?"

"The monsters."


"When? And where?"

"Patience, dear. I can't ruin the surprise!"

I grit my teeth as the two froze.

"Is this the spot?" Zelda asked.

My eyes traveled over the sand as Link grew still. Zelda glanced at me, frowning.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"I... I have a bad feeling-"

Everything froze as I spotted a Lizalfos in the water. I pulled my sword out as it rushed for me, knocking it back. It yelped as Zelda moved closer to me, her back to mine.

"How did they get here? I thought all the monsters had gone after the Calamity disappeared..."

"I guess not!"

I knocked another Lizalfos back, keeping it away from Zelda.

"What do we do about Link?"

I paused, a chill running down my spine. I glanced back at him, but none of the monsters were moving for him.

"He should be fine as long as we keep the monsters occupied."

Bokoblins grunted from the sand, coming around the cliff towards us. My breath caught as they spotted Link, before rushing towards him.

"Zelda, I need you to get Link back to the village. I'll take care of the monsters."

"You can't do that on your own! Not even Link can-"

"You two need to get to safety. Get him out of here while you still can."

I rushed for the Bokoblins, knocking them back more. I moved over to cover Zelda as she tried to move Link away from us.

"He-he's not moving!" she called.

I grit my teeth, glaring at the Lizalfos moving out of the water. My feet moved back without thinking. I stopped by Link and Zelda, holding my sword in front of me.

"You can't take them all on, Mey!"

"I have no other choice."

"Of course, you don't."

A Bokoblin grunted, and I rushed over, attacking it. Without thinking, I kept swinging my sword through the monsters, letting them disappear as I moved on.

"Who knew slashing through monsters was so fun~?"

"Shut up."

I cut through a Lizalfos, moving on to another Bokoblin.

"Is this all pent up anger from the last several years?"

A cold feeling settled in my chest as I continued swinging my sword without a second thought.

"Don't do this, please. Not now..."

I hit the last Bokoblin, sending it flying into the water.


I turned back to the others, seeing Link had woken up.

"Wh-what happened?"

I flicked my sword, before slipping it in its sheath.

"Someone had to keep the two of you safe."

My feet carried me through the sand and back to the village. I didn't hear the others follow, nor did I wait for them. I just needed to lock myself away and hide from everyone.

~ * ~

While writing the story, I keep wondering what you readers might think of Mey's situation and the voice in her head. I know I have a plan, and I'm curious if anyone might have any ideas or thoughts about it hehe

Next chapter: December 25, 2022

Next chapter: December 25, 2022

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