~Chapter 15~

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It was a struggle to keep my eyes open as I watched the pot in front of me.

After that crazy dream, I'd woken and found Link and Zelda getting back, plenty of meat and other ingredients he wanted me to cook. I did what I could to prep it, before mixing it together and setting it in to cook.

I let my gaze wander to Link, who sat eagerly awaiting the food.

"It might not taste good, y'know," I said.

"Your cooking was always the best, it's gotta taste good!"

"Well, he remembers something."

Zelda giggled from my other side as she adjusted in her seat.

"He couldn't stop talking about it while we were gone. You should've seen how excited he was out there."

I smiled, looking back to the pot. After a minute, I reached over, adjusting the meat to another side.

"Is it ready yet?" Link whispered.

I could feel the excitement radiating off him as I shook my head.

"I haven't seen you this excited in a long time, Link. What brought on my cooking so suddenly?"

"In the last memory over in the woods. I'd been talking with another soldier about how good your cooking was, cause I missed it."

"Aaaaand you're hungry."

He nodded eagerly as I got an empty pan from the stable ready.

"Well, it has been over a hundred years since I last cooked. I don't know how it'll turn out, so don't get your hopes up too much."

I stood up, checking the meat. I glanced at Link, before moving it over to the pan. Link moved closer to the edge of his seat, and I snickered. I set the pan on my seat, pulling over the plates I'd borrowed.

I cut a few sections, making sure it was cooked through, before handing a plate to Link and Zelda.

"Be careful, it's still hot," I said, taking my plate.

Link stared at his food in awe, before stuffing a piece in his mouth. His eyes lit up as Zelda took her first bite.

"Oh! That is hot..."

I shook my head, watching as Zelda's face slowly lit up.

"This is amazing! Meymey, this is amazing!"

I looked at my plate, frowning. I cut up a piece, before taking a bite.

"It could be better..." I mumbled.

My gaze moved between the two as I watched them scarf down the food on their plates.

"If you scarf it down, you can't enjoy it for as long," I said.

Link paused, blinking.

"I won't make more for a while, so enjoy it while you can."

I took another bite of mine, feeling the slightest bit queasy.

"I haven't tried eating in a while..."

"There was no need for you to. Your body's needs changed that night."

"I've noticed..."

I set my plate on a stool nearby. Zelda glanced at it, before turning to me.

"Are you not hungry?" she asked.

"Not really," I mumbled.

"You haven't eaten much while we've been out. Are you sure you're not hungry?"

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