~Chapter 25: Link~

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I opened my eyes, waiting as they adjusted to the light. I looked up and saw the sun was getting close to setting. I rubbed at my eyes, before turning next to me.

"I'm back, MeyMey-"

My hand dropped as my gaze fell on the empty spot next to me. I glanced around, getting to my feet, looking for some sign that she may have tried to move away.

The only tracks I could find were from monsters. I knelt next to them, gritting my teeth.

"There was a Lynel and Moblin here," I mumbled.

I glanced at my horse, and she still stood where I left her. Looking back at the tracks, I followed them down the path, heading back to the stable.

My breath caught as the realization hit me, before I rushed over to my horse. I urged her forward, snapping the reins so we could move.

If they had gone to the stable, then they could have hurt the others. And if Zelda was there...

The stable came into sight through the trees. Very few people stood outside, those who were, shook in fear. My heart fell when I saw Zelda without Amethyst, her back to me.

I jumped down next to her, and she looked at me.

"Is Amethyst here? Have you seen her?" I asked, desperate.

Zelda looked away, shaking her head.

"I found her gloves sitting here. But no one's seen her. They said a Lynel and Moblin passed through here with a girl... We can only assume they took her. Everyone hid inside when they saw the monsters, so there was no one who could help her. Maybe if I had stayed with you two..."

"No. No 'maybe's or 'what if's. There wouldn't have been much we could do either way."

"Did the monsters hurt you at all?"

My gaze fell as I shook my head, and Zelda clenched her hands.

"Then they were after her. Ganon must have sent them so he could get to her without us."

"He might want us to meet them at the castle. That's where we're assuming he's waiting."

Zelda bit her lip as she grew frustrated, before she crouched down, her head in her hands.

"What do we do? If she'd connected with Revali, then maybe the Champions would've helped her. Do you think she was able to connect to him?"

"We were close enough to Vah Medoh, she should have. Unless Ganon is stronger than we thought. But they all would've done something if they could have."

"Then all we can do is go after them. See if we can save her before it's too late."

"When do you want to leave?"

"Now. I want to go now. The sooner we leave, the sooner we can catch up. We have to catch up."

I nodded, before pulling her horse over to us.

"I bought enough supplies, we should be good for a while. We'll ride out as long as we can until either the horses or we have to rest. It'll be faster if we go back and pass the Tabantha Stable. Then it should be a straight shot to the castle, or Hyrule Field if we have to."

I nodded again as we mounted, then snapped the reins. We grew silent as we continued, making our way as fast as we could for the castle. We could only hope we weren't too late.

~ * ~

A shorter chapter this time, but we're getting close to the part I've been trying to get to for years hehe

This one's really just a filler so I can jump to where I need to for the next chapter and move on from there lolol

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even if it's small compared to the others hehe

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even if it's small compared to the others hehe

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