~Chapter 11~

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I kept my eyes on Link and Zelda as they walked across the bridge; the Sheikah Slate in his hands. A zora stood by, watching as they went. Zelda moved over to speak to them as Link kept looking around.

A gust of wind pulled my hood back as Link turned around, our eyes meeting. He froze, his head falling. I frowned, quickly turning away. The horses stood off to the side, huddling under a tree to hide from the rain.

I turned my attention back to the others. Zelda was by Link's side, her hand on his shoulder.

"You wish that were you, huh?"

"Shut up and leave me alone."

"Why so grumpy?"

"This is all your fault. If you'd just let me-"

They started moving over, and I shut my mouth.

"If I'd let you...?"

Zelda helped Link sit next to me, his hand holding his head.

"What happened?" I asked.

"It's just a headache, is all. It happens sometimes when remembering..."

I tilted my head, glancing at Zelda.

"Not so good memories," she ended.


I turned away quickly, instead looking down at the river.

"Well... do you know where the next memory is?"

"In Zora's Domain."

My brows furrowed, my fingers reaching for a stray rock next to me.

"I've never been to Zora's Domain..."

"The memories don't always have you in them. You're just involved in them, somehow."

"I see."

"I wonder what could have involved you in a memory with the Zora's, hm?"

"Was it the same with this one?"

"Actually, we had been here before, together. My parents brought us when we were young, apparently."

"Oh, yeah. I remember that."

Link rubbed at his eyes, turning his attention to the bridge.

"We can make it to the city soon if we leave now. We just need to leave the horses behind, because of the rain."

"What do you say, Amethyst?"

I shrugged, letting my gaze fall.

"Whatever works for you..."

Link took my hand, and I glanced at them.

"Do you want to rest or anything before we go?"

"I'll be fine."

I hesitantly pulled my hand away, before getting to my feet.

"We'd best get started if we want to make it there soon."

The clouds blocked the sun, so we couldn't know what the time was for sure. All we knew was that time had passed.

I started down the path for the bridge, passing the zora soldier.

"Be careful up ahead. There are monsters," they warned.

"What are you planning now?"

"I swear it wasn't me this time."

"What do you mean, 'wasn't you'?"

I rested my hand on my sword as the voice grew quiet, and I sighed.

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