~Chapter 8~

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"I wasn't expecting that."

Link and Zelda slept behind me as I took watch. And after they'd fallen asleep, a guardian showed up.

"All I said was there would be a surprise."

"You didn't say what."

"That ruins the surprise~"

I rolled my eyes as I slipped behind the wall, blocking my view of the guardian.

"Why'd you send it now? I can't do anything against a guardian."

"We both know that's a lie. And, I want to see where your skills lie. See how the monster reacts to us."

"They only react to me cause you're in my head..."

"Not just your head."

I grabbed my wrist on instinct, glancing at the others.

"I wish it'd never happened..."

Movement passed the wall, drawing my attention. My eyes widened when the guardian peered over the wall at us, its laser pointing a Link.

My hand moved, grabbing my sword. I'd moved to cover him and Zelda before I could think about it.

"Don't," I hissed.

I raised my sword to move for the guardian, but it dashed away. I stopped, letting my stance fall.

"Interesting. They'll listen to a direct order without fail."

"I... I didn't order it-"

"No, you did. You told it to stop."

I frowned, before sheathing my sword.

"I hate this... I hate all of this."

I took a seat on a broken wall, holding my head in my hands.

"If I had known things would turn out like this, I wouldn't have tried to go to Kakariko..."

"It's a bit late to regret the past, don't you think?"

I grit my teeth, closing my eyes for a moment.

"Just leave me alone."

~ * ~

Zelda watched me from her horse, her brows furrowed in worry.

"You didn't sleep again, did you?"

I glanced at her, before turning my attention back to my hands.

"It's okay if you wake us up so you can sleep. We're here to help each other."

"Last I checked, we were here for Link's memories..."

A Bokoblin moved in the corner of my eye. I glared at it, and it scurried in the other direction. The voice made some comment I blocked out, ignoring it.



My gaze moved back to Zelda, who looked up from the map.

"When did you last sleep?"

"You can't lie to her. You gotta tell her-"

"Before we left."

Zelda pressed her lips together.

"That's not true..."

"I didn't say from where."

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