~Chapter 1: Amethyst~

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"How long has it been since Link and Zelda were in Hateno? How long since-"

The sound of hooves on wood woke me from my sleep. I lifted my head and looked around in the dark, my eyes adjusting to the closet.


The front door opened, and I jumped, bumping the shelf. A book fell, bonking me on the head.


"Amethyst, did you fall asleep under the staircase again?"

I looked up as the small door squeaked open, Zelda and Link looking in.

"We have a mattress for you, you're always welcome to sleep on it."

"Old habits die hard."

I set the book aside, before squeezing out of the closet. I brushed off my dress, then stepped aside.

"I wasn't expecting you to come back yet," I said.

"We finished up early and thought we'd surprise you. It's been several months since we last were in Hateno."

"Well, you have things to get done..."

"That doesn't mean we don't miss you."

"If only that were true..."

Link didn't even remember me. And the Princess was just that, a Princess. We never had the chance to grow close. Even months after the Calamity ended, there still wasn't time for us to spend together.

"We don't want to leave you alone for so long."

"I was alone for a long time, Princess. I'm used to it."

Heat grew in my chest, before I took a deep breath.

"Not now..."

Zelda hesitated, glancing at Link for help. He'd turned over to the cabinets, putting away the fresh groceries.

"Well, what if we spent the day together?"

"Purah has a task for you to get done. And I have work to do."

"How many more times will I have to lie to them?"


I grit her teeth, before pushing past Zelda.

"Sorry, I gotta get to work."

I slipped out of the house and headed over for the town.

My sword bounced at my side, but I hadn't used it in months. Since Link and Zelda returned, I hadn't been sent on another mission. Instead, I just waited for news from Impa that never came. Purah never had anything she needed done. So I wandered around town, feeling useless.

I crossed the bridge before stopping. Symin stood in front of me, his head tilted.

"I see you're out early. What of the others?"

"In the house," I mumbled. "I'll just get out of your way-"

"Purah is asking for you, too."

I paused, before forcing a smile.

"I know she isn't."

"But she is. She insists you go to her immediately."

I only sighed, shaking my head.

"If you insist."

After crossing my arms, I started for the tech lab, leaving Symin behind to grab the others.

"When did things change to this?"

"When you let yourself fall."

I froze, the voice chuckling.

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