~Chapter 30~

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"Just a little higher! Aaand... stop!"

I set the plank on the stone, pushing it in place. I wiped the sweat from my forehead as the others stepped forward, nailing the plank in place. I glanced at the rest of the town and all the houses we'd finished.

It had been a little over a year since we sealed Demise away. And we slowly started rebuilding the towns throughout Hyrule.

Our latest one was the Gatepost Town, right by the Great Plateau.

"Oh! It's time for lunch!"

I glanced at the others as they headed off, joining others to eat. I headed off further into the new town, looking at the buildings we'd made. I stopped when I saw Zelda handing out some food to the kids; her smile wide as they took off.

I stopped next to her, taking a seat on the cart. She took a seat next to me, handing me a sandwich.

"How's Impa doing?" I asked.

"She's doing better now. Purah headed out to meet Robby once Impa got the okay from a doctor. She's still recovering, though, but he said she should get better."

I nodded, watching as a couple kids ran past.

"It's slowly getting lively again. Just like it used to be."

I opened my waterskin, setting my sandwich down.

"Where do you want to start after we finish here?" I asked.

"Either the Hyrule Garrison, for the Ranch. We might get some farmers out there, and get started on producing food for everyone. It'll be difficult, but I know we can do it."

I nodded again, closing the waterskin.

"Has Robby told you anything?"

Zelda sighed, fidgeting with her waterskin.

"No, unfortunately. I'm hoping Purah will tell us something when she gets back. I'm assuming Robby would have an update, or he wouldn't have asked to see Purah."

Birds chirped as they passed by, a calm breeze picking up. I sighed, then stood up.

"Well, I'll get back to-"

"Liiiiiinkyyyyyy! Zellllll!"

Purah came into view as she ran towards us, her eyes wide. Symin followed behind, trying to catch up with the now teenage Purah.

"What's wrong?" Zelda asked as she stood up.

"You need to come up, quick! Right now! Let's go! Let's go!"

She took our hands, dragging us towards the plateau.

"Purah, what's wrong?"

"It's MeyMey!"

My eyes widened, before I pulled my hand from her grasp. I pushed past, making my way over. The others followed behind.

I skidded to a stop when we finally reached the shrine, several Sheikah heading out.

"Robby, what happened?" I asked.

"She was waking up, but we lost her," he said.

"How did you lose her?!" Purah cried.

"I don't know!? We all had eyes on her, then she just disappeared! I sent the others out to look for her, but we have no clue where she could've gone."

Zelda looked around, before grabbing my hand.


"They're not going towards the temple. Let's check there, just in case!"

We headed off for the temple as several more Sheikah headed out, spreading across the plateau to look for her.

We arrived at the temple moving up the steps as fast as we could. We stopped by the ruined entrance, out of breath. Slowly, I stepped up to the opening, looking inside.

Someone stood in front of the Goddess Statue, looking up at it. We moved forward, careful not to disturb her. A piece of glass crunched as we moved, and she whirled around, looking at us. I froze in place as Zelda covered her mouth.

"Ah, Princess! I-I'm sorry! I don't know what happened! I thought I was at the castle, but I woke up here... I don't know where 'here' is... but..."

"Do you... do you remember...?"

Amethyst's brows furrowed as she looked down, frowning.

"I only remember the Calamity. You were out, and Impa and I ran away. It's... it's all blurry at that."

I frowned as she bowed, Zelda stepping forward.

"And nothing else?"

She shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut.

"There's something there. Something, no, someone... Someone was with you. But I... There was... yelling. But that's all I remember about them."

I stepped forward as Zelda pulled Amethyst into a hug.

"Then... you don't remember me, do you?"

She looked at me, her eyes wide in shock.

"Who... are you?"

I forced a smile as the others came up behind us.


Purah jumped forward, tackling the two.

"Purah, be careful! We'll get hurt if we fall!"

"What... what happened? What don't I remember?"

"It's... a long story."

"I can listen!"

My eyes stung, and I wiped at them quickly.

"Well, it was a little over a century ago..."

~ * ~

And she's back! The next chapter is the final one, and then the story's finished! I had trouble debating whether I should leave it here or not, but I decided to make the next chapter the last, just to end it off a little better (imo) for anyone who might want just a little more hehe

And she's back! The next chapter is the final one, and then the story's finished! I had trouble debating whether I should leave it here or not, but I decided to make the next chapter the last, just to end it off a little better (imo) for anyone wh...

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