~Chapter 6~

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"It seems so fitting, that the rain chooses to fall now."

"Could you leave me alone for just one second? I don't need your voice in my head all the time."

"You have no clue who I am. Your anger only makes this more fun."

I rolled my eyes as I stepped into the stable, sitting on the steps. Zelda stopped next to me, looking up at the sky.

"It didn't look like it would rain earlier," she mumbled.

"Now's a good time to let the horses rest. And let ourselves rest."

Link plopped in the bed behind us, the mattress creaking under his weight.

"It's too early to fall asleep," I replied.

My eyes landed on a merchant as he lugged his gigantic bag under the roof.

"It would be fun if the roof started leaking soon."

"Stop it."

Water dropping started behind me, and I turned around. Sure enough, there was a leak in the roof. The stable master rushed over to it with a bowl, chuckling.

"We haven't been able to fix the roof for a while," he chuckled nervously.

"How come?" I asked, my curiosity showing through before I could stop myself.

"Monsters started showing up at night again, when we usually go out and grab some wood. It's much cooler, but... well, it's dangerous to go out."

"I could find some for you."

Link glanced at me from the bed, giving me a worried look.

"I have my sword, I can handle myself out there."

"No, no! There's no need to worry about it. I don't want you risking your safety."

"It can't get worse than it already is."

I pushed up to my feet and headed out of the stable.

"Amethyst, are you sure about this? I don't want you to get hurt. What if you pass out? You almost fell on the way home after last time..."

Zelda followed behind, her footsteps squelching in the mud.

"I'll be fine."

"You don't have to push yourself for everyone-"

"It's better than doing nothing. Then I can at least distract myself..."

"From what?"

I winced, pausing on the path. My hand went to my other, holding the glove tight over my skin.

"I can't tell you."

"Is it related to... whatever you spoke of earlier?"


"I see..."

Before I could move again, I felt warm arms wrap around my shoulders.

"Whenever you're ready to tell us, we'll always be here. And if you just need us to comfort or support you, we can do that too!"

I smiled softly, closing my eyes.

"Thank you, Princess."

"Now, no more calling me Princess! I'm fine with just Zelda."

"We'll see," I mumbled.

I pulled away from Zelda, turning to face her.

"I'll be back soon. Go ahead and fall asleep without me, if I take too long. If I'm not back by the time you wake up, go ahead and search for me."

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