~Chapter 28~

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Thunder rumbled as we faced each other, staring the other down. The others stood behind, waiting if I needed their help.

"Well, won't you attack me? I'll give you the first hit!"

"That'll leave me open."

"Mm, I guess you're right."

I grit my teeth as a sword appeared in her hand.

"Get out of her body, Ganon. Now."

"You'll just have to make me."

He rushed forward, raising his sword at me. I lifted mine, blocking the attack. I raised my shield, stepping back to avoid being hit.

"If all you do is avoid my attacks, this won't be any fun!"

"For you, maybe. All you want is to see people suffer."

"I could've had a utopia of my own, you know? But you and that Goddess ruined it all for me. I revived myself with the help of Ghirahim, and the help of the Goddess's spirit. But you stepped in and ruined it. Actually, every time I've been able to reincarnate myself, you always step in and ruin it!"

"Then maybe you should give up! Don't you think failing this many times would tell you something?"

"But if I have the ultimate plan, I could win!"

He pushed me back, knocking me to the ground. I yelped as I hit the ground, pain sprouting in my back. I tried to get back up, but he pressed me into the ground, holding his sword above me.

"And in your weakened state, I will win."

"I was able to stop the Calamity. I can stop you too!"

"That's where you're wrong. I'm stronger than the Calamity."

He raised his sword above my chest, and I grit my teeth. I lifted my shield to block the attack as an arrow hit him in the back. He slipped off my chest, and I knocked him down.

He only smirked as he got back up.

"Remember, you're not hurting me. You're hurting the girl. And I know you don't want to hurt her."

"I can't do any worse than what you did!"

"Can't you, now? Are you sure about that?"

I flinched as he swung at me, trying to knock me back again. I pushed forward, using my shield to send him back. I used that momentum to keep pushing him back, swinging whenever I could.

"I won't... let you win! I've spent too much time planning for this. I won't lose to you!"

I grit my teeth, knocking him back again. The sword flew from his hand as he hit the ground, Amethyst's voice breaking through.


They coughed, before pushing to their feet.

"She's not here. She can't hear you."

I tackled them down, pinning them to the ground.

"Amethyst! I know you're still in there! Amethyst!"

"She's not! You won't see her again! She's dead!"

"Amethyst, you have to keep fighting him! We can't just let him win after we've come this far!"

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"


A wave of energy knocked me back, and I hit the ground. They struggled to their feet as they held their head.

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