~Chapter 19~

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Extra update for the TotK release hehe! It's out where I am now, I just have to wait for my copy to get delivered later. Gonna keep doing my best to avoid spoilers until I can play it XD

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My hand stayed on my sword as I kept watch. Link sat behind us, the Sheikah Slate in his hand.

"I wonder how much longer it'll take..." Zelda mumbled.

"It doesn't usually take this long, does it?" I asked.

"It really depends on the memory. If it's long, it takes some time. But they've never taken this long."

"Almost an hour now, I believe..."

I let my eyes scan the field, waiting to catch movement for something.

"I feel like they're planning something..."

"Hm? Who's planning what?"

I froze, then chuckled nervously.

"We-well... if there was someone planning something, like an attack or whatever. Now would be the right time, since Link is down and all..."

"They've mentioned nothing about it. Although, we're not sure they'll say something now that we're here," Mipha said.

I turned my gaze up to the sky, taking a shaky breath.

"Not to mention, I just don't have a good feeling about this..."

A rock slipped behind us, and we whirled around, our hands on our weapons. Link raised his hand to his head, wincing.

"Are you alright?" Zelda asked, moving over to him.

I stepped closer, my grip on my sword tightening.

"It's a lot to take in," he rasped.

"What was this one about?"

Link glanced at me, his eyes wide.

"I... I'm still not sure..."

His voice cracked, and my eyes widened.

"He's lying," I thought.

"Do you want to start for the next stable now?"

"Just... just give me a moment. My head's still hurting."

I glanced at the horses, Zelda's turning to me as its ears twitched.

"Do you want the horses ready?"

"Yes, please."

Zelda got up, then passed me to get the horses. I knelt next to Link, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"I guess... I visited my dad. The last time I saw him was before Zelda and I headed up to the last spring. He was helping the trainees. There wasn't time for me to say goodbye to him. I don't know where my mom was. But we'd stopped to visit him, since there was some extra time... I just... I didn't know."

Slowly, I wrapped my arms over his shoulders.

"It's okay. However long ago it was now, I thought I'd never see you again. I thought I'd died myself. And now here we are. A hundred years later. Yeah, we've had a tough time, but we're still here, y'know?"


He reached up, squeezing my hand. Zelda scurried over to us, her eyes wide in shock. I let Link go, falling back.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"There's a horde of Bokoblins and Moblins... and... and..."

"And what?"

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