~Chapter 14~

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I didn't want to open my eyes. I really didn't. But when my senses came to, I felt warm skin against my bare hand.

My eyes shot open, and I found Link sitting next to the bed. His fingers entwined with mine. My right hand.

"He knows."

"You don't know that. He could've missed everything."

"My glove is off. There's no way he couldn't have seen it."

"You never know."

"How do you hide that besides covering it?!"

My fingers twitched, and Link glanced at me. Our eyes met, and I could see the questions building up. He opened his mouth to speak, but Zelda stepped into the stable. He shut his mouth and instead slid my gloves to me.

I slipped them on, before pushing myself to sit. Zelda sat next to me on the bed, letting out a sigh. She set her bag on the floor between her feet, looking up at us.

"Well, I've bought what I could. The merchants didn't have much on them. They said it's becoming harder to find goods. The Bokoblins and monsters are getting more restless. I thought we'd taken care of Calamity Ganon. But it seems not. What could we have missed?"

I turned away when Link glanced at me, but he quickly turned back to Zelda.

"Maybe if we head to the castle, we'll find some answers?"

"But what about your memories? Don't you want them back?"

"I do... but we also have to protect the kingdom, still."

"Ooo, yes! Let's go to the castle! He would like that very much!"

"Maybe... we could get a few more of your memories before heading to the castle?"

They turned to me, confused.

"There's probably some really important ones out there, right? M-maybe see which ones you're drawn to the most, and we go to those?"

I cursed at myself for stuttering. But I couldn't go near the castle. Not yet, anyway.

"You can only stall for so long. It'll happen eventually. You can't keep parading around on this little journey of yours. It won't last, you know..."

I bit my lip, turning my attention to my lap.

"If... if you want to, anyway."

Link pulled out the Sheikah Slate, opening up the pictures. He swiped through the pictures, taking a minute to look through them. After reaching the last page, he paused.

"I guess it couldn't hurt," he mumbled.

He opened the map, his eyes searching the screen.

"It looks like there's one at the Garrison Ruins in Hyrule Field, near the tower. Also, near Mount Nabooru. Then the Rito Stable, in Hebra..."

"Those are the ones you want to go to," Zelda asked.

Link nodded, then put the Sheikah Slate away.

"Then Hyrule Castle can be last. We can find the rest of the memories later."

Zelda nodded, turning to me.

"Is this okay?"


I played with the edge of my glove, turning my attention back to my lap.

"When do you want to head out?"

"Would tomorrow be alright?"

I glanced at them as Link rubbed his neck nervously.

"We... haven't had Amethyst try to make anything yet. Since she's been resting. We can go find the ingredients and have you wait here."

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