First Adventurer Mission

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That same day we hiked the mountain there's eight rookie adventurers with one Sapphire Rank Adventurer guiding us, we're taking the safe route people usually use to go to the Lake, around that lake holds plenty of medicinal herbs and creatures those are our target for today's mission.

"My name is Merki, I will be guiding you today. Going up to our target location will take us at least 3 hours depending on how many stops we do, the less stops the faster, now get going." The Sapphire rank adventurer said, everyone nodded and immediately started moving following behind him.

"Make sure to keep your guards up, this might be the safe path but there have been countless times parties have been attacked here by high ranked monsters that could easily wipe a group of beginners, keep your eyes peeled, weapons ready, stay sharp."

"SIR!" Everyone answered at the same time to Merki, an hour into the hike we had to stop because most of the mage class adventures were out of breath and fatigued, they were given a five minute break.

"How are you not tired? You're a mage too!" Veronica exclaimed confused while she tried to sit down, I looked behind me and she's talking about the bottom of the sword with a circular dark purple orb, my weapon can transform into a sword and a staff, when I pulled the sword I immediately transformed it into a stuff, like my Adventurer Class says, which is a Mage.

"I used to run as my training." I said, She raised a brow

"What training would want a mage to train their body instead of their mana and magic art." I shrugged, she looked at me and pouted as if it was my fault she's physically weak, I simply ignored her childish behaviors, however i am quite generous so...

"You can ride behind Aace if you want." She looked at me confused, I placed him down and then he started growing the size of a horse, Veronica's eyes sparkled and widen, but then suddenly I heard screams of terror next to us.

"Oh no! Calm down it's a familiar!" Veronica yelled, her face worried amd her hands up in the air, the mages calmed down but still has fear in their eyes, then Merki came

"What is going on here?!" He shouted his weapon drawn ready to fight, "Ha, a blood fang I've never seen one in this part of the city in a long time." Merki and Aace looked at each other as if they're challenging each other, I stepped forward and spoke.

"I'm sorry if i have troubled you, This is my familiar, he is tamed as long you don't attack first." I said Merki looked at me, then back at Aace, finally he decided to lower his weapon.

"Sadly I have students to protect, I must not let my own desires get to me." He said and sighed, "Alright everyone, time's up let's proceed." Merki raised a fist there were groans of disappointment in the crowd and most lay on the grass from tiredness, eventually everyone got on their feet and started following behind him, meanwhile Veronica hopped behind Aace while I decided to walk.

The journey was alright but it was also a little tiring since we are heading up the mountain, the slope of the road makes it hard to walk without getting tired, since all of the adventurers with me are rookie adventurers they're pretty inexperienced and a little too clumsy, we got attacked my wondering monsters here and there but Merki took them down fairly easy while also letting the mages back him up as practice, eventually we arrived to the lake, but by the time we got there the sun was already setting down, so we made camps and used the monster meat that we killed along the way as food, of course only those considered edible, some monster meat are toxic or poisonous to humans, so we can't just eat every monster we catch.

I decided to volunteer preparing the food for that night, I bought all the veggies I needed on the online store using my watch, and used cooking knives I stored in my inventory, I made Rice and Japanese Curry 🍛 and squished some fruits for fruit juice to ease the spiciness of the curry, lastly i casted a basic Ice spell to add to the fruit juice, making it refreshing as well.

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