The Elves must be Eliminated

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After they've collected our information one of the military men took off with papers containing that said information in his hands while the others threw us down the dungeon, and then they left us waiting for hours, while also confiscating our weapons, a great welcome indeed especially since we helped them with the zombie problem well at least for now... It's not like Zombies can drown, once they've been washed away by my magic, they can simply get up and attack again, thus a perfect plan to keep them in debt, soon they'll be crawling back asking for help.

"I don't understand why they would put us behind these disgusting bars, especially bringing small children in such a place with no regard!"  Veronica exclaimed with sadness and slight disgust, the children clinging to each side of her body, obviously scared.

"It might be cold and wet but there's no point in worrying, we will be free soon, in the meantime everyone warm up." I pulled out a long table a couple of chairs and placed a huge Buffalo and Seafood hotpot in the middle of the table and we all sat down and ate our hearts out, it is still great to be able to take a break from traveling and doing nothing once again, just like my previous life.

We were sitting down and talking to each other enjoying ourselves when our dungeon door opened behind me, making everyone's heads turn towards it, the two youngest children with us started to run towards Veronica hiding behind her, meanwhile, everyone else stayed calm, there behind that door a man in his 40s stood might with his sword on the side of his hip, the same man that greeted us and possibly sent us in this prison, he eyed the table and then our faces before speaking up.

"Ahem," he cleared his throat. "I am this kingdom's general, you can call me General Lionos Grande, I came personally to inform all of you that you have been identified except for the children, which is alright knowing that children can not legally hold identifications, ahem," he cleared his throat again "frankly I do not trust any of you, however, I must ask for a favor, I need your power to eradicate these beings that are threatening my kingdom." He pointed to me and I smirked and then stood up.

"I frankly do not like you, however, If I accept this mission what would there be for me." I asked, I said in a slightly sassy manner, he looked at me with complete annoyance, I can see a vein pop on his temple but he tried to keep composure.

"You will be rewarded 500 Lage Gold Coins, I'm sure that would suffice for- ahem, you." He stopped his sentence midway and then cleared his throat before continuing, I felt the walls crack behind me, suddenly I felt insulted, however, I kept a plastic Ingenuine Smile, fuck it I'm not going to fuck around anymore if this is how rude he'll be to the people that can save his people I rather not be underneath such bastard.

"Unfortunately for you, I do not need your money, we are leaving, adios." I turned to my side to Vonro looking worried, however, if this man really needs my help he won't be as rude he'll lower himself for once, I gestured for everyone to leave, I walked past him, and not even a few steps away he stopped me.

"I apologize for my previous behavior, you and your people came from the Elven Kingdom, along with all of those things outside of the castles, as you know the elf territory and my kingdom's territory has always been an issue for both parties, we believe they organized such barbaric orchestra, may I once again ask for assistance..." I felt the sincerity in his voice, but perhaps just a little, I have a feeling that he's not really telling me the bigger picture, I stopped to think about the new revelations, while I was in the Elven Kingdom it was mostly peaceful, and our journey from the elf territory to this human territory has also been peaceful except for some monsters here and there, I will need more details from him later.

"I will only accept this offer if it came from the guild." I said I did not want to be underneath that guy and be bossed around by him, this way the guild will give me rewards not him.

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