My First Win to a Sword Fight

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When my parents heard the explosion they all ran to the area where it happened, to the library.

My father was drenched in sweat, he kicked the door open and fearlessly entered the room, behind him my mother was yelling my name.

"Krish is!! Krish is inside!" She yelled to my father, my father's brows curled together, and he frantically look around the room filled with dark smoke, when he saw me in the middle of all the wreckage he calmed down, but he quickly picked me up, I squinted when he suddenly scooped me out of the floor, then he noticed that I was bleeding, he stood for a moment to scan the surroundings but there weren't any damages except for the furnitures that was surrounding me, meaning I caused the explosion.

"Cadmus! What's going on? Are you okay? Answer me?!" My mother called and that was the call that brought my father back to reality out of his thoughts, he turn around and answered her.

"It's fine, no one was attacking us." He said walking out to my mother but when she saw me hurting her worry clearly increased, but she straightened her face and focused.

"Merciful gods that bestowed life, allow me to borrow your power, and heal this soul back to life, Heal!" My mother chanted and cast heal, I immediately felt better, and in just seconds I saw my arm return back to its normal state, previously it looked burned and bleeding, but now it was as good as new, the way it healed looked like a video on a time-lapse, it's like the normal healing process, but on steroids, then it clicked in my mind, it is the normal healing process, it's just enhanced by magic to heal faster! Like fast-forwarding a movie! I mentally smacked my head because I've been thinking of how it works, but in actually common sense was just what I needed, I was focusing too much on the book I forgot to look at it from my own perspective, I learned two things today, first never imagine a cool magic skill while your magic is activated, and second try to look at things in another perspective to learn easier.

"What happened? If no one was attacking us then why was she injured?" My mother picked me up.

"She's the only one surrounding the area of the explosion, you should know what that means, our daughter is a genius." My father smiled forgetting the mess I made, my mother didn't get it at first but after another second, then her eyes widened when she realized what my father was saying, she realized I caused the explosion which mean I used magic, her eyes widened and excitement immediately showed on her face, she lifted me up the air and spun me around happily.

"Oh my God Krish you're so amazing! But... How did you do it? Did you read some of the words in one of the books?" I nodded lightly thinking they'd be mad at me, but instead she was overjoyed and she was tossing me up in the air in excitement.

"My daughter is a genius!!!" She yelled finally giving me a tight hug, my father also joined in and laughed alongside her, the maid was just watching us with a light smile on her face.

After that day I was observed and I was mentored by my parents, in the morning I'd be in the library with my mother learning about magic and proper etiquette, In the afternoon I was with my father learning sword arts, he gave me a light wooden sword, then every month he'd replace that sword into a heavier and heavier wood until I am able to hold a normal heavy sword.

I just turned 9 years old, I was standing in a forest feeling my surroundings, I can feel hundreds of creatures moving about, but I was looking for one, in particular, it jumped from a bush behind me trying to stop attacking me from what it thought was an unguarded child, I quickly opened my eyes, draw my short sword and sliced behind me, the "it" I'm referring to was actually my father, he noticed the fast but weak attack, he immediately changed from offense to defense and blocked my attack using his own sword then he quickly jumped away to have some distance between us.

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