First Clue That Could Save My Life

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Back at the Kingdom, King James was discussing the military with General Cadmus when the Prince stormed in.

"Is the word about Krish leaving the city to become an adventurer true your highness?" The worry but also the annoyance in his voice is obvious, the king simply looked at him sternly and nodded.

"That's correct, her father is here you are allowed to ask the General yourself." The man said unshaken by his son's unusual outburst.

"General Cadmus, Is it true?" He glanced to the man standing next to his father, he general bowed to the prince and then answered his question.

"Yes your highness, she wanted to experience the world before getting married to you young master." The general replied politely.

"This is absurd your highness, no. Father. I will prepare and go after her." The prince with the determination of steel looked at his father straight in the eyes, something he never used to do, King James sighed inside, but still looked calm on the outside, he stopped smiling when his deal wife died a few years ago, this time once again he managed to soften his features and nodded.

"As you wish, but only you shall go, I need the extra hand around." The king said, this made the Price smile, relief showed all over his face, he expected for the king to reject this decision, but what the prince doesn't know is that the King saw himself in him, when he was young and in love, so naturally he allowed this. "I will provide you an adventurer ID, but we will disguise you as a normal noble for your safety, Cadmus will you be able to help?" The king turned to the general beside him, the general smiled I the prince is beside his daughter he can at least be sure that someone will take care of her.

"Yes your highness, right away." He bowed to both the king and the prince and at once left to prepare the prince's disguise.

Back at the Witch Kingdom, It is 6pm I was walking around the market bored out of my mind, Aace on top of my head napping, when there in the crowd behind me a familiar woman with gigantic future (Boobs) bounced while she waves her hand around running to me, I stopped and turned behind me, It was Veronica.

"Krishh!" She yelled waving her hands above her head, "Hey, since you saved my life earlier today my family would like to invite you for dinner tonight." She said smiling innocently, panting a little from running, her cheeks slightly flushed, before I could even answer she looked behind me and then yelled "Edmonddd! Hey! come with us for dinner tonight!" Edmond who was minding his own business buying some street food, looked at us surprised then he smiled and immediately came over.

"Oh? A free meal from you? This is new." Edmond said smiling, he looked at me and bowed lightly.

"Yeah you two saved my life today so! It's only proper I at least return the favor!" Veronica grinned all sweet, and since I was bored and broke I decided to take the offer.

"I'd be happy to go." I said this made Veronica jump lightly in joy, while me and Edmond watched her gigantic future bounce, Edmond blushed immediately looked away.

"I-I'd be ha-happy too..." He said blushing, at that the two of us followed Veronica home while she carries Aace in her arms, they were talking how awesome the fight was from Veronica's perspective, she said she was terrified for her life, Edmond said he thought he was going to die, I listened to the two of them converse back and forth, they look like they would be a perfect couple in my eyes.

"Ta-da! Welcome to my humble home." Veronica exclaimed, her palm pointing at a fairly large home, but because she's a lower noble it's still smaller than the houses further up the kingdom.

"Oh! So you're a noble miss Veronica." Edmond hid the sadness on his face and immediately started to talk to Veronica with respect unlike how he was talking to her casually before.

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