Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Today is Tuesday. I got to school and met up with Harry by our lockers. We both had Chemistry first period. Harry took my hand and we walked to class.

In Chemistry, there are 10 tables, two at each table. I sit next to a girl named Rose. She is so annoying. She constantly follows you around and never leaves you alone. You can't say anything mean or rude to her or she will literally bawl her eyes out crying. Therefore, in class, I try not to talk to her but she constantly talks to me.

"Hi Alex! How are you doing!" Rose said.

I was about to shoot myself. "I'm fine!" I said in a really high pitched voice.

"That's good! Hey do you wanna gome over Friday?" Rose asked.

I had to think of some lame excuse to get out of it. "Sorry, I can't. I am going a date with my boyfriend."

"Ok maybe next week!"

Yeah right. Anyways Mrs. Jones walked into the room.

"Good morning class! Today, I paired you guys up into groups for a chemistry project. So lets see...Harry you are with Taylor and Alex."

WHAT. Taylor was the girl who went out with Jack. My stomach turned into knots. I could hardly breathe. After class, I met up with Harry.

"What's wrong Alex? You look so scared." Harry said.

"You know Taylor Cane? The girl in our project group? Yeah, well, she was the girl Jack went out with when I was dating him."

"Well Jack was a jerk to do that to you. I can treat you so much better."

Harry closed my locker and pushed me against it. He started to slowly kiss me. That was his way of saying that I'm his. He put his hands on my waist as I put my hands on his curly hair. We heard a teacher. I opened up my locker and make it look like nothing happened.

"Um anyways, we can go to my house today for the project." I said.

"Sure I would love to."

"Can you tell Taylor to come over. It will be way too awkward for me to go ask her."

"Anything for you, Allygator." Harry said winking.

For some reason when he said that, something inside me dropped. It just reminded me of the times with Jack. I need to get over him.


Taylor had to come late because she had a dentist appointment. Harry came over and we planned to make an atom for our chemistry project. Taylor should have been here 10 minutes ago. I had no idea what was going on with her. I look out my window. I see what looked like Jack's car in my driveway. I squinted my eyes. I saw Jack and Taylor making out in the front seat!

"Harry, come look at this." I said.

"Woah! Thety are going all they way all right."

I looked at Harry then I walked over and sat on my bed. Harry came over to confort me.

"What a jerk." Harry said.

I started to lie down on my bed. Harry joined me. We both turned to each other, not a single word was said. Harry grabbed me by my waist and pulled me in really close. Our noses were now touching. He bit my bottom lip and started to tug on it. I started to giggle. I stroked Harry's curls. I felt his smile. I felt Harry's hands take the bottom of my shirt and managed to take it off. Now I was only left with my bra and my pants on. I took off Harry's shirt. I felt his abs go across my small stomach. We finally stopped. I put my head on Harry's bare chest. He started to play with my long blonde hair. I slowly fell asleep as the feeling of love went deep inside me.

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