Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

The next day, I got sick. I had to miss school, but I was totally fine with that. My mom had to go to work at the hospital for 12 hours so I won't see her till 6 o'clock tonight.

I just kept coughing and sneezing. I had a super high fever and just wanted to die. My dad was coming later to check on me to see if I was doing ok. He is a doctor too. My mom is a Nero surgeon which means she operates on the brain. My dad is a pediatrician for little kids. My parents want me to become a doctor but I said no. I really want to become a successful business women. That's why I want to apply to Bentley University.

There was a knock at the door. I assumed it was my dad. I put a blanket over myself, put on some slippers, and walked over to the door. "Hey, Allygator."

Fuck. It was Jack. "Why the hell aren't you in school?"

"I wanted to see how my favorite girl was feeling."


Jack pushed me out of the way and let himself in. I went back in the couch. I was too sick to do anything.

Jack got to the couch and was leaning over me. "Get away." I said sternly.

"But the party has just begun." Jack said holding my arms down. He wanted to kiss me. Maybe even more than kiss. He is like a sloth that wants to rape every girl in site.

I didn't know what to do. Wait a minute, I'm sick! I started to cough and sneeze in Jack's face. He let me go which gave me the chance to attack. I took one of the vases that my mom smashed on my dad's head and glued back together and smashed it on Jack's. I then, kicked Jack in the stomach and kicked him out the door. "Don't you ever get your fat ass over here again you dirty bastard!" I yelled from my doorway.

My dad's car pulled up. I swept up all the glass and put it under the couch. I got back on the couch and pretended nothing happened.

"Hey dad! How's it going?" I said coughing.

"Great! Lets give you some medicine."

We sat and talked and drank hot cocoa. I miss those times my dad and I could just do this with my mom. Now we have to do it secretly because my mom would get pissed. Oh well.

"I have one question for you, Alex."

"Yes, dad?"

"Are you still dating that curly-haired British boy, Harry?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, I swear I thought I saw Jack come out of this house and..."

Oh shit. "No...that was...Jake! He is my biology class. He was just giving me the homework! Uh, yeah, write a report on cephalopods, yeah that's it."

"Um, ok..."

Oh thank God, he bought it.

"Anyways, I also came to tell you something. You need to keep it a secret from your mother."

"Yeah, ok what is it?" I said taking a big gulp of hot cocoa.

"Well, I'm going on a date tonight."

I spit all the hot cocoa on the ground.

"I'm not cleaning that up. This is not my house anymore." My dad said pointing at me.

"That's great! Who is she? What's her name? Does she have kids?" As you can see, I have always wanted a brother and/or sister.

"Her name is Liz. She is a pediatrician at the doctor's. And she has three kids, one is a freshman in high school, one is in 2nd grade, and one is 3 years old."

"What are the kids' names?"

"The freshman is named Kaitlyn. The 2nd grader is named Matt, and the 3 year old is named Caroline."

I couldn't contain my excitement. I had to meet them so badly. I hope my mom can get into dating again. I would love more siblings.

"So where is the date?" I asked so I could stalk them tonight.

"That really fancy restaurant in Boston, you know the one we went to last year for your birthday? Yeah that one."

"Nice." I was now planning my evil plan in my mind.

My dad had to leave to get ready. I called up Charlotte.

"Hey, babe. Can you help me out with something?"


"I can't believe you got Kenzie, Leah, and I into this mess. What if we get caught or something." Charlotte said.

"Lottie, don't worry, it will be fine. Just put on this wig and glasses."

"On the bright side, you are feeling better." Leah said with a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah, I know that you all hate me but this is for my dad's sake! We can do this!"

"She has gone insane." I heard Mackenzie say in the distance.

"Too bad Kenz, we're doing this."


At the restaurant, I sat with Mackenzie. The other two sat at the other side of the restaurant. "Alex, you have serious problems." Mackenzie said while looking at menu.

Charlotte called me. "Uhhh, boyfriend at 3 o'clock." Shit. Harry was here with Tory and her mom, Christy. Lets see. It's December 10th. Oh no. It's Christy's birthday. They are having dinner her. Perfect, just perfect.

Mackenzie just kept laughing at me. She kept flipping her brunette wig and cleaned her nerdy glasses.

Harry and his family sat in between my dad's table and mine. Well, this is just great. Harry kept staring at both of us. I just put the menu in front of my face. Maybe he'll look away.

Mackenzie and I shared a giant plate of spaghetti. We just spied on my dad the whole time as well as hiding from Harry. Then finally Harry walked over to us. Oh no.

"Hey, my name is Harry and I couldn't help but to notice..." Harry pulled my wig off, "That you have the worse disguises ever."

"Oh my God, Harry! Don't let my dad see me! I'm kinda spying on him. Hashtag oh whale." I said shrugging.

"Hashtag? Well isn't that hipster!"

"Yeah I know. Anyways you wanna get a table?" I asked. I signaled Mackenzie to move and go with the other girls. "Well! I see how it is!" She said to me.

"I love you Kenzie Cakes!"

"Oh, don't 'Kenzie Cakes' me." She said playfully. Mackenzie grabbed her purse and moved.

Harry and I are the last of the spaghetti. Leah called me. "How could you leave us like this?" The girls started to fake cry. I hung up and just enjoyed the rest of the night.


When I got home I called my dad and asked about his date. He said it was great and that I'm going to babysit them tomorrow night! I'm so excited!

"You know, I saw Harry with his family tonight too! I wish you were there!"

"Oh don't worry I was there." Oh shit, that just slipped out of my mouth.


"At heart. I was there at heart." Phew. I thought I just gave that away.

Anyways, tonight was an adventure. And I'm still sick. I took some more medicine and went to bed.

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