Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I woke up to see the plane landing. Yay! I'm finally in England. I got my carry ons and all of us started to wait at the baggage claim.

"Well, we are here!" Harry said with a big smile.

Christy's car is actually at this airport. The car they have at home is a rental. Tory sat in the front and Harry and I sat in the back. It seemed so weird because we were on "the wrong side of the road" the whole time.

From the airport to Harry's house was about an hour. I finally saw the sign that said "Holmes Chapel." We were finally here.

Harry gave me the tour of his house. It was small compared to my house but it was so pretty with a big red door and its cottage style house.

"It's 2 o'clock now. What would you like to do?" Harry asked me.

"Well, how about we get something to eat?" I said.

Harry took his car to this little bakery he used to work at. They sold all kinds of pastries, cookies, and sandwiches. We both decided to get ham and cheese on white bread with a chocolate chip cookie on the side. We got a table near a window.

"I'm so glad you are here with me." Harry said.

I blushed. I didn't know what to say after that. Harry took a strand of hair that was hanging and put it behind my ear. He got up and kissed my forehead.

After that, Harry drove us home. We decided to walk around his neighborhood holding hands. He showed me all the cute houses and small markets until it was dinner time.

For dinner, we had lasagna. It was delicious. I was so full after that.

I took a shower after dinner them put on some of Harry's clothes. At 10 o'clock, I went to bed. I was so tired.

Harry walked into my room. "Love, I don't want you to be alone in this guest room, all by yourself, with no one to keep you safe."

I see where Harry was going with this. "C'mon over, babe."

Harry jumped right in. I started to laugh. He took off his shirt. And turned off the lights.

"Isn't that my shirt? Can I have it back?" Harry said with his raspy British accent.

Harry took off my shirt and threw it across the room. Now I was just left in my bra and Harry's sweatpants. Harry's warm hands started to roam my curved body. He started to smile. We started to fall asleep after this. I turned around, now facing the wall. Harry wrapped his arms around my bare stomach and pulled me to his body.

"I want to hold you forever." Harry said whispering into my ear.

Harry started to nibble on my ear. There, I fell totally asleep from a very magical day.

~~~The Next Day~~~

I woke up freezing cold. Then I forgot, my shirt is all the way across the room. Harry has turned the other way so his warm hands wouldn't warm up my body. I quickly got the shirt, put it on, and slipped right back into bed. I was leaning on the backboard of the bed. Harry then finally woke up.

"Good morning, Love. Did you sleep well?" Harry said kissing my lips.

"Yeah, I slept like a rock!" I said trying to be funny. Harry just laughs.

I took a shower, got dressed, and put on makeup. Today, I'm wearing skinny jeans, black army boots, a white blouse, and a black cardigan. I rolled up the blouse to where the cardigan was on my arm. I put loose curls in my long blonde hair and put on some mascara.

I went downstairs to see Christy making breakfast and Tory and Harry watching TV.

"Victoria, will you come over here and help me make breakfast?" Christy yelled from the kitchen.


So that's Tory's real name. I honestly didn't know that. One time, I accidentally spelled her name "Tori" and she had a fit.

"Why do you spell it 'Tory'." I asked.

"Well, since my mum, dad, and brother have a Y at the end of their names, they wanted me to have one too."

"Wait, what's your dad's name?"


I have never seen Harry and Tory's father before. I'm kinda curious to see where he is now.

For breakfast, Christy and Tory made chocolate chip pancakes and lots of fruit. After that Harry and I went off to do our own things.

"So where are we going today?" I asked Harry.

"Well, I was thinking we could go to the park and have a picnic!"

"That's cute!"

"I already have everything packed and ready to go!"

Harry drove us to the park. Still not used to the fact we are on the wrong side of the road but that's ok.

The park was so beautiful with its trees turning color and their leaves falling off, to the little birds and animals that just kinda roam here for fun. It even has a giant pond with boaters.

Harry and I found a tree to sit under to eat. I put the dark blue blanket down while Harry made the sandwiches.

"Before we eat," Harry said, "we need to go canoeing."

Harry rented us a canoe. We got on and started to roe. All we really did was go around in circles. We really sucked at this! I just loved hearing Harry laugh. It was the most beautiful thing in the world.

We had lunch after this. Harry brought the ham and cheese and a lot of fruit! We leaned against the old maple tree, looking at the pond. As the wind blew, the red leaves fell off the tree. Harry reached up and caught one.

"You know, if you catch a leaf and make a wish, it's supposed to come true." I said quoting my mother when I was little.

"I wish...I wish...that we will be together forever." Harry said smiling at me.

I looked directly into his green eyes. I kissed his cheek.

"You're so sweet, Harry." I said eating my strawberries.

Harry wrapped his arm around me. It was starting to get a little chilly. I leaned my head on his shoulder and held his free hand. Harry started to kiss my forehead.

"I love you, Alex." Harry said.

"I love you too."

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