Chapter 1 -THE CULT-

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Wanda pov

"Since Ultron, we have had no immediate threats." Fury stated barging into the meeting room, " sounds like there's a but in that sentence." Tony interupted.

"But, new information has been given to us, there's something new, well something old but it's getting bigger and bigger." Fury said very ominously, "and here we were worried you'd be vague." Natasha smirked and I couldn't help the chuckle that left my mouth but I quickly covered it with a cough to not anger fury.

"The cult of Ancient Greek group filled with 200 trained warriors, they pla-" fury was quickly cut off by Clint, "Ancient Greek? What so you're saying Zeus is coming down to punish us." Clint chuckled but by the look on fury's face I could tell he wasn't joking.

"Barton I suggest you shut up because now is certainly not the time to be making jokes, the cult of Alexios is known for its brutality, in old scriptures, they were represented as misthios (mercenaries) who had killed thousands, the power of the gods ran through their veins, they slaughtered innocents and anyone that stood in their way of world domination." Fury said pressing a button and a picture of a mask doused in gold with gilded horns showed up.

I tilted my head, I never really learnt much about mythology, but it did seem interesting, what I did know was that it was all myths so how can a cult who used the power of the gods actually be real?

"Do you doubt, miss maximoff?" Fury asked towering over the meeting table, my heart rate picked up and I could feel everyone's eyes turn to me, "you said they used the power of the gods, but it's all mythology." I said not really explaining my doubt but fury understood.

"We were also told that the god of lightning and god of mischief were myths but since we have gotten a close up of them, I say we re-look into what we call myths and reality." Fury said turning to the screen.

"This is the mask they wear, it's said to be forged by Hephaestus and passed down through blood lines, only family members of the original 200 misthios can join, their leader is a descendant from Alexios himself." Fury paused, gaging all our reactions.

Tony looked unbothered while snacking on berries, Steve was intrigued, Natasha was curious same with Clint, and sam wasn't paying attention

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Tony looked unbothered while snacking on berries, Steve was intrigued, Natasha was curious same with Clint, and sam wasn't paying attention.

I looked back to fury to see him glaring daggers with his one eye at Sam. "I suggest you pay attention falcon, because flying and shooting bullets about isn't going to cut it this time." Fury exclaimed making Sam quickly turn off his phone and just nod his head.

"This is what they did to a professor who studied mythology in Harvard, we assume he discovered their plans seeing as that is him now." Fury said moving out the way of the screen. On it showed a photo of a neatly dressed man in a suit, he had slicked his hair back and was smiling showing all his teeth, he must of been around 40, but to the right of that showed another photo of what I'm assuming is the same man but this time he was covered in blood, teeth all chipped and pulled out, eyes cut out and fingers gone. He also was missing patches of his skin.

"Professor Arnold sent a message to us three minutes before his house was invaded saying 'the cult is back, destroy them.' That's all we could get before he got cut off, there's no video footage or any surveillance." Fury said turning of the screen.

"So we are going off of a very ominous message sent to us by a dead man so we can't get any validation?" Tony asked rolling his eyes, "as much as I hate to say it fury, Tony is right, there's no way we know it's the truth." Steve said in deep thought.

"You fought a man called Schmidt captain, his belief was he wanted to will the power of the Gods, in his lab we found loads of scriptures based on the cult of Alexios, and as for validation stark, Arnold was found with a burnt mark of the mask that I had showed you. It is their symbol. Is that enough validation?" Fury said raising his eyebrows and grabbing his folder and walking out the room but before he opened the door he turned to us,

"Figure out a plan to stop them before they take over the word." He said then slammed the door. I just nodded to myself trying to come to terms that we have to defeat a cult which has the power of multiple gods.

"Sam and I will do some researching, maybe even contact Ross to see if he can get in touch with other countries to see if they know anything, rest of you train It's been three months since ultron, we've had our rest, I want better." Steve said as he and Sam left the room.

I went straight to my room, I'll train later. How can they all be so calm, I feel like everything is collapsing, first pietro and Ultron and now a cult.

This is too much, this is way too much for me, I didn't think things through when I said I wanted to be an avenger.

I know Pietro would have enjoyed this, talking about all the Greek gods and goddess. He always had a passion for the unknown and stuff.

I just need to rest for a while then I will wake up with a clearer head and feeling less like the world is crushing me.

I laid back on my bed, relishing in the softness of it, never in my life did I sleep in a bed like this. I shut my eyes and let sleep take me.

It was pitch black, I couldn't see anything, hear anything, It was empty, I was empty. Then I felt it, I felt that aching, burning cold sensation all through out my body. It felt like a sharp toothed creature was eating me from the inside, tearing through my flesh, gnawing on my bones until it reaches the marrow. I remember this feeling, the feeling of loss, pain, and grief all hitting me at once, it's what I felt when pietro died.

I shot up, sweat dripping from my forehead to my cheek, or maybe that was my tear that fell to my cheek, who knows. I went into the bathroom and splashed my face repeatedly with water.

"Hey, Steve and Sam found something." Natasha said knocking on my bathroom door. "Ok" I croaked put my voice still soar from sleep.

I opened the door to the meeting room. Inside stood Ross with a smirk plastered on his face. This can't be good.

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