Chapter 14 -PAINTBALL-

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It's been two days since we watched the conjuring and did...other things. Silan would always glance at me and at night she would sneak into my room and watch sitcoms with me and we would kiss.

I really like her. I just wish I could please her in the ways she pleases me.

Cooper, Nathan and Lila all sat around Silan in her room.

This was the first time I or any of the Avengers have been in Silan's room. Inside it had mini statues of the gods, it had a painting on the walls, it was rows of houses and Spartans training. I guess this made her feel at home.

All the Avengers stood by the door including myself, and Clint's children sat on Silans bed, watching as Silan banged her hammer on the anvil making a sharpless dagger for them to play with.

"It's a tradition when a Spartan turns 10 they are rewarded with a training weapon, these are for you...cooper you get a sword, Lila you get the thinnest arrow heads, and baby Nathanial you get a tiny spear." Silan said handing them they're useless weapons.

The children jumped excitedly and the older two pretended to fight each other, it was very heart warming but my focus shifted to Silan.

She stood in a white vest, sweat dripping off her and wiping her hands with a cloth and smiling at the children fighting. She looked so beautiful.

I just wanted to run to her and kiss her over and over again but I also just wanted her there, for us to just hold each other.

"Why are you making weapons?" Natasha asked examining the weapons in the ground, I still couldn't take my eyes off silan.

"I can feel my power coming back, I'm trying to stay in touch with the other gods, hence the blacksmith = Hephaestus, painting = Apollo, wine = Dionysus, if I haven't used their gift they give me, then I dedicate sacrifices to them." Silan said pointing to a few slices of steak on her table.

"Well you could use...Ares' gift of violence by playin the paintball with us." Lila said looking at the family tree of the Greek gods and their powers on a vase Silan has in her room.

"Paintball?" Silan asked furrowing her eyebrows and moving the anvil away, "it's like you shoot people but instead of bullets they shoot balls of paint." Cooper said lifting Nathaniel out of his crib and giving him to Clint.

"Ok Fine," Silan said grabbing the gun Lila was giving her. I looked at Silan as she gripped the gun, her arms flexed showing her toned muscles, her shirt stuck to her body showing her defined abs and battle scars laced across her body.

"Wanda, hello?" Tony said waving his hand in my face making me turn my attention to him, "hmm?" I hummed in question to which he rolled his eyes,

"We said are you gonna play?" Tony repeated and I just took the gun he was holding as an answer.

"Ok...Friday generate random teams." Steve announced as we all put on protective gear, all apart from Silan. "Silan put the gear on." I said handing it to her letting our fingers slightly touch.

She smirked and shook her head no, "it's not like you'll be able to shoot me anyway, too fast." She challenged cockily, "watch me shoot you in the first 5 minutes." I challenged back.

Her eyes gazed up and down my body before resting on my lips, I knew she wanted to kiss me as bad as I wanted to kiss her.

"Alright team A is Tony, Wanda , Nat, and cooper. Team B is cap, lila, Clint and Silan." Tony interupted mine and Silans staring contest.

"You can go anywhere in the facility, if you're out you move to the tv room where Laura and Nathan are. Powers will be aloud." Tony announced glancing at me.

"Friday start countdown for 30seconds," once the countdown started my team shot off to upstairs where all the rooms are.

The countdown finished and Nat, cooper and I all hid in my room while Tony was in Nats which was directly across mine.

"Wait for them to make a move, besides they're best warrior has never used a gun so we will win no doubt." Tony whispered across to us.

"It's very complicated, be careful, make sure the safety is on when your not shooting-" I cut Steve's boring explanation and turned to Lila, "point and pull the trigger?" I guessed and she nodded, finally someone who answers are straight to the point.

Steve spent 73 seconds explaining how to use it safely but I ignored him and moved to the living room on the 3rd floor. The rooms are on the 4th and kitchen is on 2nd training room is 5th, "they're in the 4th floor, listen you can hear them moving." Clint said gesturing up.

He was right, Steve moved in front of us since he had the shield, Lila moved behind him then me then Clint.

I tapped Lila on the shoulder, we all paused as we made it onto the 4th floor. "Vents, scout where they are then tell us." I said lifting her up watching as she squeezed through the vents.

We waited 45 seconds before she came back "3 in wandas room, one in Nat's." She said as Clint helped her down.

I pushed Steve in the hallway of rooms and watched as the other team unleashed bullets at him and he got hit about 12 times.

He looked back to me but I gave him a toothy smile as an apology. "Your out cap." Tony said as he walked into the hallway about to pick up Steve's shield but I shot him in the forehead. "Shit!" He exclaimed as the people in wandas room quickly shut the door to block Clint Lila and I out.

We ran past cap and Tony and knocked on the door, "open up." Clint said as if that would work.

"Distract them, I'll go around and go in from the bathroom window." I told them as I ran to the room beside wandas and crawled out the window and shimmied across the ledge until I saw a window cracked slightly open.

I peaked in to see cooper and Nat aiming at the door while Wanda was moving objects with her powers to block the door.

I aimed my gun inside and did blind fire. "Oh come on!" "Cooper and I are out." Nat exclaimed sadly as she left to her room and shut the door quickly so Clint couldn't get in. I looked in again to see Wanda staring directly at me with her powers as a shield.

We both looked towards her bed to see her gun resting untouched on it. If she goes for it, it gives me enough time to jump into the room and shoot her hopefully.

She jumped for the gun and I jumped through the window landing swiftly and aiming my gun at her to see her aiming at me.

We both aimed towards each other with smirks on our faces. She wouldn't shoot me. I made small steps towards her, I would shoot her but I like seeing her like this, angry face, armed, dangerous.

I dropped to the ground and swept her legs watching as she yelled when she fell. I quickly straddled her and disarmed her, throwing her gun to the side.

Both us panting and her struggling in my grip. I leaned down and placed a soft supple kiss to her plump lips.

Our tongues danced in sync and I released her grip causing her hands to fly to my hair. I moved my hands up and down her side before resting my gun on her stomach.

"Oops." I whispered in her lips before I pulled the trigger and watched as yellow pint splattered on her shirt.

"WOO, I WIN!" I yelled moving the stuff infront of the door leaving Wanda laying on the ground letting the others in.

"Alright alright we get it." Tony said as my team all did victory dances. "Sore loser." I fake pouted to him and he just waved me off.

"That's not fair, she cheated." Wanda said pointing to me, "how exactly did I cheat?" I asked confidently, " just did." Wanda said frustrated, god she looked so cute.

"Well as fun as this has been the kids have to get home for school," Laura said walking into the room with Nathaniel.

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