Chapter 22 -WAKANDA-

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I sipped my coffee on the porch of my cabin. I hung my head low. I looked at phone, 18 July. No calls, no texts.

I left the compound at the beginning of the year in February. I couldn't be around the places she was. It hurt too much.

I haven't seen anyone apart from Natasha who visits once a month. I know she wants to give me my space but also make sure I was alive.

I finished off my coffee before walking into my cabin. "Hey Phobos." I said tapping my hamsters cage.


"Wait so if we were to get a pet we would name it after your dead horse?" I asked in laughing hysterically, "yes." Silan agreed not understanding why I found that weird.

"Ok hypothetical situation, what if I got a hamster, you would name it Phobos after your amazing horse?" I asked watching as her answer falter but she ended up agreeing.

"Alright well then it's settled, when I get a hamster it's called Phobos." I said defeated and she triumphantly smiled.

End of flashback

I walked to my bed and collapsed. I am so tired all the fucking time. I have no energy for anything and even if I did what would I do?

I shut my eyes. Anytime I shut my eyes I saw her and she's all I want to see


I hear a way too familiar swoosh of the jet landing. I opened my eyes and groaned.

Nat isn't supposed to be here for another two weeks. I heard a frantic knock on the door. "Wanda it's an emergency!" Steve yelled banging on the door.

"I'm not home." I groaned and I heard Steve let out a grunt in annoyance. I heard a loud slam.

"Did you kick my door down Rogers?!" I yelled as he stormed into my room...only he was different.
He had a beard and his suit was different.

"No time to explain but an alien is trying to end the universe so help us kill him." Steve said pulling me and throwing me over his shoulder. "Wait what!" I yelled kicking him over and over but he didn't even flinch he just pushed me in the jet.

"We are going to Wakanda and now that we have all the Avengers we can get, we are going to fight Thanos." Steve said as he flew the jet to I'm guessing Wakanda.

"He is coming after vision, because he has the mind stone-" Clint explained to me but I just waved him off, "I don't care, the only reason I'm helping you is so I can go back and sleep." I yawned and rested my eyes and relaxed on the jet chairs. I just want to see her face again.


"You need to wake up, Wanda." Silan mumbled kissing my neck then my exposed shoulder. "Later...just hold me." I mumbled moving further into her chest.

"When Tony comes barging in here waking me up, he is gonna notice if you are in my bed." Silan said pulling me on top of her. I rested my chin on her chest gazing up at her.

"Kiss me." Silan whispered leaning foward biting her lip. I obliged and collided my lips with hers. I pulled away slowly drawing her lip with me.

I opened my eyes but instead of Silans face it was replaced with the cold dirty ceiling of the jet.

"We are 2 minutes out....we are going up against something we've never done before." Steve started but I rolled my eyes,

"Cut the shit Rogers we know how it goes. You give some inspiration bullshit speech then we go on to fight whatever we need to." I said fidgeting with the necklace Silan gave me.

The jet landed and I walked out. I was greeted by the Wakanda King T'Challa. I nodded in acknowledgement before following someone inside the building.

"Thanos is a from the planet titan. Tony is in space trying to defeat him but if he fails...Thanos will come for vision, we are going to protect him." Shuri said putting some machine over vision and it scanned his stone.

There was so much noise. Everybody talking, the sound of the machine, everything was too much.

I shut my eyes trying to block out the noise.

I opened my eyes.

I turned my head...what the hell. I was on the field in Wakanda, I was fighting, but I don't even remember getting up. Is this all a dream? am I awake and just acting on instinct?

Calm down Wanda even if this is a dream you still want to survive, I told myself over and over again. Just survive.

I was in the middle of the battle all disorientated. I looked to my left to see Nat and Okoye about to be crushed by a giant alien spaceship. I flew to them just in time to use my magic to break apart the ship and throw it behind us squishing the aliens behind us.

"why was she up there all this time?" Okoye asked Nat, so maybe this isn't a dream.

We regrouped just in time to see im guessing Thanos come out of nowhere shining his gold gauntlet with 5 infinity stones, the only one missing was the one in visions head.

the Avengers attacked him while Vision pulled me to one side, "Wanda destroy the stone." he said placing my hand on his head, "what?" I asked in disbelief, "destroy the stone" Vision repeated,

I may not have been that close with Vision but he has saved my life many times, when I was stuck on Sokovia, on missions against hydra, he also visited me sometimes after Silan dies. "I can't lose someone else." I said shaking my head.

"if you don't destroy the stone, you may not be losing me but you'll be losing half the universe." Vision sad calmly as he shut his eyes waiting for me to destroy his stone. I heard the other Avengers groaning and i knew Thanos had defeated them.

I shut my eyes, I focused all my energy to my hands, I shot it towards Visions head, I tried to ignore his screams of pain but instead it was replaced with those of Silans voice. I opened my eyes to see my power pouring through Silan's head.

"Why are you doing this to me?" she yelled in pain, I faltered. "your not real!" I yelled back as I heard heavy thomps coming my way. I used my other hand to project my powers towards Thanos.

I felt all my pain and suffering pouring out. I had kept it in for too long. I heard a deep guttaral yell and turned towards the Titan. He was getting closer to me. Just as I heard the gem cracking Thanos gripped my arm.

"Silly girl." He gritted out of breath before slamming me on the ground. "Oh shit" i muttered as I saw a purple fist smash down onto my face.

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