Chapter 11 -SUSPECT-

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Silan POV
We now both sat on the bed watching some thing on the TV, I'm not quite sure what it was but Wanda enjoyed it so I did as well, well I enjoyed watching Wanda laugh at it.

"Our cult guys name is Ollie Hugh, he is 35, wife and 3 children. He gets off his shift in 15 minutes so we should probably leave in 10." Wanda announced resting her head on my chest.

I placed my hand on her chin, I was craving her lips ever since we kissed at the museum, her lips are addictive. I tilted her head up to look at me.

I bent my head down slightly and placed a soft kiss to wandas lips, her lips were soft and moulded into mine, she moved up without breaking the kiss, she climbed on top of me so I was sandwiched between her and the headboard, something I didn't mind, but I like control.

I grabbed wandas thighs and rolled them with mine watching her let out a breathy sigh, I disconnected our kiss but placed my lips on her neck instead.

I kissed her supple skin, careful not to leave any marks, not just yet. I kissed to where her shoulder and neck met and rejoiced in the feeling of her pushing our bodies together for more.

I ran my fingers under the back of her black long sleeved shirt, I felt as the goosebumps raised wherever my cold fingers met her skin, "wait...wait- we have to leave." Wanda said pulling away opening her eyes slowly and glancing down at the clock.

"Guess time does fly when you're having fun." Wanda mumbled getting off me, I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my mouth, "who says that, what are you,90?" I said sarcastically, "your one to talk." Wanda said pushing on my chest.

I grabbed her hand quickly and pulled her closer to me as she got off the bed, i grazed my lips over hers watching as she leaned in but I refused to give her what she craved, "we have to go." I said smirking and walking past her right into valet where our jet lied, and it had taken up 5 parking spaces.

I hopped in the jet waiting for Wanda and she jumped in all huffed and annoyed, I just scoffed and chuckled.

We both got out of the jet which was down the street to the museum. There weren't many people, and if there were they were too drunk to comprehend who we were.

We walked down the street, I glanced at all the shops windows, looking at all the things they sell. A lot of them were mostly technological so I didn't know what they were.

"There he is." Wanda said pointing towards a scruffy looking man, his shirt loosely untucked from his belt, he leaned on an outside pillar of the entrance, he was catcalling a woman walking past, now that I remember from Greece.

We stalked closer to him, lurking in the shadows, "theres cameras, we don't want to be seen, we don't exactly have warrant." Wanda whispered pointing to a camera which had clear view of Ollie.

I move in front of Wanda, I had my spear which also splits in half and since it's double pointed, they were like daggers, they were tucked into my sleeves, I moved my arms and caught my spears which dropped down into my palms.

"Use you magic to crush the camera, once he looks to see what the sound is, I'll sweep his knees, knock him out then we take him back." I directed Wanda watching to see if she was ok with the plan but all she was doing was stare at my lips.

"Hey focus." I commanded her, she snapped out of it and nodded her head. I turned back around and watched as red magic flowed around me, it moved in serpentine motions, it crawled on the floor then up the pillars until it got to the camera.

I heard the crunch of the camera and an electrical pop, Ollie heard it too and snapped his head towards it. While he was distracted I sprinted towards him, before he could turn around, I slid on my knee past him but dragged my spear across the back of his knees.

I watched as he collapsed to the floor, he went to scream but a red magic covered his mouth, silencing him.

I grabbed Ollie by his collar, he reeked of alcohol, and was clearly out of it. I dragged him back to the jet. I was going too fast so his feet couldn't keep up so he was lying on the floor getting cuts as I move him against the cold ridged floor.

Wanda followed behind us, she still had her magic around her hands, on guard. We both made it back to the jet, I threw Ollie onto it, watching as he hit it with a thud.

He was mumbling incoherent words. But he looked to Wanda and I, smirked, then ran a hand through his hair confidently.

"If you wanted my number this bad you could've just asked." He said pigheadedly, I scoffed.

"How much did he have to drink if he thinks we are being friendly." Wanda said shaking her head. I just chuckled as I reconnected my spear together.

"Silan, I'm going to get some sleep in the back, we can lock Ollie up, so you can join me?" Wanda asked lightly pulling my hand to her. How could I resist?

I went to get the handcuffs for Ollie, "HOLY SHIT! YOUR SILAN OF SPARTA!" Ollie yelled loudly. My eyes snapped to his.

"Well sort of, you're the Spartan warrior form not the angry god one, that one is awesome, killed thousands, stole territory, you were batshit crazy!" He laughed but disappointment when he realised I wasn't the 'god form'.

"You see I think your mistaken...the Spartan warrior killed thousands of opposing warriors, the 'god form' as you call it...killed children, families, innocents in order to gain drachmae or land." I said leaning closer to Ollie.

"Also if you know so much, you would know I don't like people who talk too much, and...the cult." I said bending down in front of Ollie watching as his face fell in shock.

"I won't say anything." Was all he said, I chuckled. "You see, you just said something wanna know what that is... that you're in the cult, which is real which I was skeptics of at first." I said slapping his cheek lightly watching as his eyes widen.

I put the handcuffs around him, I did put them on tighter than needed, and connected them to the hot radiator.

I walked back into the bedroom where Wanda was asleep. I got under the covers with her, as soon as I was in, Wanda turned around and snuggled into my chest.

I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer, my fingers strokes up and down her back over her smooth shirt.

I felt sleep overtake my eyes and eventually overtake my whole body.

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