Chapter 23 -FOG-

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All I felt was pain. The Avengers were collapsed by my side, Vision was unconscious but not dead a few feet away from me and Thanos was above me squeezing my throat.

It felt as though fire was coursing through my lungs burning me from the inside out. "Kill me." I muttered and he paused before letting an evil smirk shine through.

"With pleasure." He sneered. This was it, I might get to see Silan, the reason I didn't try and see her before was because I know how Nat would take it, I figured it would be easier if she thought it was murder than suicide.

Tiny black spot started to appear, I hear a war horn. It was loud and echoed in my ears, I knew I wasn't imagining it since Thanos released me from his grip and covered his ears. Once I regained my breath I looked to see where the noise echoed from but was only met by fog.

I squinted my eyes towards the palace in Wakanda but it was covered roof to ground in fog, like heavy fog that would cause many road accidents. Thanos was also concerned by this fog. The fog slightly cleared and I saw a silhouette.

The shadow was muscular, feminine, and familiar. It was a certain Spartan that I knew all too well. "what?" I asked backing up from the building and the Avengers, the ones conscious, turned to me asking for an explanation.

Once the fog fully cleared, an eagle flew above our heads and landed on the shadows shoulder, this time the shadow wasn't alone. Smiles grew on all our faces, well apart from Thanos who was gazing cautiously towards the army of soldiers on the palace.

Distant shanties and war chants were heard. From here we could see them all in sync, even their breaths. They jumped from the palace. They took off in a sprint towards us, I would be shitting myself if i was Thanos.

Thanos powered up his gauntlet and pointed it at the spartan and let the power shoot out. The spartans didn't even flinch.

Third person pov

Silan collided her fist with Thanos as soon as he was in her sights. She summoned the lightning, rage and elements to come crashing down on Thanos. "You are a big copycat, you know. You call yourself  Thanos when the real god that you copied, Thanatos, was me." Silan reminsed at the memory.

Silan placed her spear on Thanos' purple tough skin and she applied the tiniest amount of pressure and watched as blood poured out. The other spartan savagely ripped the aliens to shreds. They used the power of the gods to their advantage and were stronger than ever.

On the other side of the battle, the Avengers stood surrounded by spartans who protected them while they gathered their bearings. A certain someone caught Wanda's eye. "you must be Wanda...I'm Leonidas." The warrior said helping wanda to her feet and taking off his helmet while ramming his spear through an aliens neck.

Wanda was at a loss for words. She went to say something but was cut off by a painful, horrendous screech. everyone turned their head to see Silan vertically slicing Thanos in half, bottom to top.

they all winced at the sight but once the purple alien collapsed to the ground, everybody collectively released a breath of relief.

Silan walked over to Wanda nervously. 'What was i going to say? does she miss me? whats she going to say?' all thoughts racing through Silans mind, she tried her best to get the aliens blood off her but it had stained her armour.

Once silan was face to face with Wanda, she waited for a reaction, she hung her head low anticipating what was to happen next. "This isn't real...this is just a see her all the time and its all in your head, same with this." Wanda mumbled hitting her head and squezzing her eyes shut.

Silan faltered for a moment before going to touch Wandas arm, "No, dont touch me." Wanda said backing up but Silan only took a step foward. "it's me, im real." Silan said showing her hands in a surrender.

"Stop these mind games... I want everything to stop." Wanda choked out as she held a sob back, the vein in her head and neck pertruding from her fustrstion.

"No Wanda I'm real, I'm here." Silan tried again but Wanda just sat on a log, "not real." Wanda repeated over and over. Silan felt slightly rejected but sat next to wanda, glaring at anyone that looked their way.

Silan placed her hand on Wanda's back. Wanda's back grew chills, something her body always did when Silan touched her. Wanda's head shot to Silan's, "believe me now?" Silan asked with a great big smile which was spread to Wanda.

"YOU'RE BACK!" Wanda cheered before tackling Silan to the ground in a tight hug. Everyone cheered and erupted into smiles and laughs. "Here let me help you out." Sam said pulling Silan up from the ground.

They paused for a second, before smiles overtook their faces and Sam jumped into Silan's arms. "Missed you bro." Sam said patting Silan's back and cleared his throat when he got off Silan.

"Missed you too Cinderella." Silan said as they chuckled at their inside joke which no one really understood.

"Alright, let go Sam I want to hug her." Wanda said collapsing in Silan's arms once again. A thought crossed Wanda's mind, a thought of the past.

"I didn't say it back." Wanda whispered to Silan's ear, "you didn't need to." Silan retorted pulling away from the hug before placing a kiss so passionate on Wanda's lips that she could feel then swelling by the end of it.

"Well sorry to interrupt...Silan, you made me proud today, you showed your strength and determination." King Leonidas, Silan's father said pride filled his eyes.

"All due respect Father, your approval of my skills mean jack shit now, but I do appreciate it, the old Silan would have probably fainted by now." Silan joked with her father for the first time in her life.

"We are out of time Silan, it was an honour seeing you in action...and seeing my future daughter in law if you sped up the clock." King Leonidas whispered the last part jokingly to Silan.

But it made Silan come to a realisation, "Wanda Maximoff, even though we have already said I love you, I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend since I haven't asked you officially." Silan said gazing into Wanda's eyes.

Wanda's eyes widened the size of saucers, "YES! A million times yes!" Silan kissed Wanda once more, while everyone cheered.

"Good bye Silan." The other soldiers out of time said before clutching their shields, swords and spears tightly and letting fog cover them completely...they were gone.

"We missed you." Nat said softly punching Silan on the arm before both friends smiled to each other, "we really missed you." Steve said giving Silan a quick hug. "Hey Sy-Sy." Tony said as he flew down in a spaceship from the sky, behind him stood a 16 year old in a spider suit and the guardians of the galaxy.

"Who is she?" Banner asked clearly out of the loop, "she is the great Silan of Sparta the one I was talking about in Sakaar." Thor said reminding Silan of her present that she wanted to gift to Thor.

"Oh Thor, I know I haven't seen you in a while but I brought you a present." Silan said as she gestured her hand and Loki came running over to Thor enveloping him in a hug. "I saw him when I was in the underworld and thought you would want him back." Silan said watching the two brothers catch up.

"So looks like I'm not the oldest anymore." Bucky said giving a warm smile to Silan, "who are you?" Silan asked politely but Steve answered for Bucky "Bucky Barnes, my best friend." Steve said patting his back and showing a big smile.

"Well now that there's no Thanos I think we better be off." The guardians said but Star lord had tears in his eyes from finding out the love of his life only died a few hours ago.

"Well let's all get on the jet, guardians thank you for the help, avengers assemble...on the jet." Steve said with strength and power behind his voice and Silan chuckled at the memories of his speeches.

As they walked to the jet all joking around and happy to be reunited, Silan put her arm around Wanda, "I'm so glad I have you back." Silan said kissing Wanda's neck and trailing kisses to her jaw.

Wanda turned to Silan and placed a rough and urgent kiss on Silan but pulled away quickly, "as soon as we get back to the compound I expect you to show me how glad you actually are" Wanda mumbled and Silan couldn't help the small blush on her face.

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