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"What is he doing here?" Tony said turning to Steve, it was not really a secret that we weren't particularly fond of Ross. Even though I've only been in the group for a three months but even I didn't like him.

"I'm here because I solved your problem. I have found the one they will be scared of, one which is so powerful that even the gods feared her, and when she awakens she will be like a killing machine." Ross said smugly.

If something is that dangerous it shouldn't be in his hands, "what is it." I asked Ross and his head shot to mine clearly not liking my tone.

"Silan of Sparta!" Ross fangirled, we all look very confused. "The greatest warrior from Ancient Greece." Ross clarified. "So someone who is 2000 years old, yeah right." Sam snarked.

"Well I have proof. They were out into an eternal sleep after a battle and I have them." Ross said snapping his fingers and agents walked in carrying a tomb.

"Inside resides silan." Ross said going to open it but lightning shook the building, causing the lights to flicker.

Next thing I know Thor barges into the tower angrily grabbing Ross by his collar, "tell me why I was about to visit my father in his chambers, and he tells my that midgaurdians had removed Silan from her rest." Thor said angrily.

"Ease up buddy, we don't really know what's going on." Tony said lightly trying to remove Thor from Ross.

"You are messing with something you know little about. Silan is the fiercest warrior known, I grew up with stories of her, my own father is terrified of her. Have you not read the scripture?" Thor asked us all rage infiltrating his voice.

"They don't need to read the scrip-" Clint cut Ross off "what scripture?"

"Stark project my hammer to the screen." Thor said as a text appeared on his hammer.

"King Leonidas 1 Strongest heir. Fierce Spartan blessed by all gods and goddess. SilanOf Sparta was the strongest warrior in all of Greece. She has killed thousands but only those who deserved it, Silan was known for many things, her fair judgement being one.

from birth, the gods and goddesses took an immediate liking towards Silan whether they were influenced by fear, who knows. Silan from a young age trained with all the Olympian gods for years making her the strongest of them all considering how they all had blessed her with their best qualities but can all be summarised into one word, pietas.

Silan was feared by many, just the name alone made shivers run down one's spine. she was feared by all apart from one, the Oracle of Delphi Kassandra. Kassandra and Silan spent a lot of time together at the temple of Apollo eventually they both were completely and utterly in love and dedicated to one another.

but the love was forbidden but beautiful, Oracle of Delphi can only be the Pythia (oracle)  if 'thy knew thyself' -she had to be a virgin- if the citizens knew that the sacred oath had been shattered, the consequences would be fatal.

Kassandra and Silan lived in secret however in the war between Sparta and Athens, mercenaries were sent to the opposing side to gather intel. During a mercenaries visit they had witnessed Silan and Kassandra together, once Athens had found out about it they spread it like the plague.

Over time all of Greece had caught word. for many, they knew that they were powerless  against Silan, but for some deluded sinister Kings they united against Silan thinking it would give them the upper hand...they were right.

700,000 soldiers were against Silan. They storm Silans Village tearing, slaughtering, and destroying whatever stood in the way, Silan fought shoulder to shoulder with her fellow warriors.

A merciless soldier called Alexios had seen an opportunity and striked where Silan was most vulnerable. Silent ran through her gold Chamber searching for her family and loved ones,  only to be met with her mothers screeches. Alexios had chased Silan's mother who was now laid by Silans feet coughing up the rest of her life's blood.

Once Silan had recovered from her initial shock she went to attack only to find Alexios with Kassandra. He had dragged her to the burning altar outside and hoisted her on top of it. He rammed his spear through her neck with such strength her head came off with a crunch.

Silan had lost everything, and was driven to insanity in that split second. She killed all that she saw, including her lovers murderer. After the massacre Silan had nothing left to live for. She drove her sacred spear through has shattered heart hoping to reunite with her loved one.

Her loyal followers had sorrow wrenching in their bodies. They buried the two lovers together at the temple of Apollo where they met.

Seeing as Silan was blessed by the God and it was not her fate for her to die young.  She could not reach Olympus seeing as she was no God and it wasn't her destiny to die there , she now resides in limbo, in an eternal slumber." Thor finished narrating the scripture.

I took a deep breath in, wow, that's deep.

"It doesn't matter, we need her, she can help you with your cult problem and help the government with theirs." Ross yelled pushing off the top of the tomb before any of us could stop him.

I was the closest to the tomb, I peeked my head in, "oh shit..."

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