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I had Wanda resting on my shoulder, Nat and Clint talking about something opposite me, sam on my right, cap and Tony driving the jet, hulk, Thor and Loki catching up.

I rested my head on top of Wanda's while I scanned the jet, it was very chaotic, it felt like home again.

I felt Wanda nuzzle her head in my neck more but I also felt something we drip onto it. "Are you crying?" I whispered to Wanda and felt her shake her head unconvincingly.

"Wanda don't lie to me, why are you crying." I asked moving my head to see her face. It made my stomach churn and drop, her eyes were puffy and she was sniffling with tears down her face and in her eyes.

I pressed my hand to her face to get her to look at me, "I just missed you so much." She said grabbing my hand, fiddling with my fingers.

" did you get out?" Tony said as everyone's attention and Wanda quickly tried to wipe away her tears.

"It's a... it's quite complicated." I started,

Flashback Silan pov

I sat on the rocky floor, sweat dripping off my forehead and landing on my armour, "Silan I know you're a strong warrior but that doesn't mean you get breaks, you've known me your whole life and you know I treat people fairly so...get back to work!" Persephone ordered me and I rolled my eyes.

"What is the point of us digging?" I asked grabbing the pick axe and turning to Persephone who stood at the foot of her palace.

"Hades said something about it but I wasn't listening." Persephone said amused as I chipped away at the obsidian in the ground. "I don't understand, up there I had the power of most of the gods but down here I'm just a Spartan." I huffed and Persephone just chuckled.

"Hades likes to feel more superior than the rest so renders their powers useless." Persephone said grabbing a bowl of pomegranate seeds, i just chuckled at the irony, but it was cut short when I collapsed to my knees.

I felt this pain in my chest, "you ok?" Persephone said as she lightly tapped me but I waved her off, "I got a bad feeling, somethings wrong." I said slowly standing up and leaning in the side of the palace.

"Hermes, come down I need you." I whispered visioning tunnels in my head and going through them until I reach Hermes. "What now? I'm fed up of going up there just to tell you that Wanda is crying." Hermes said appearing behind me hovering in the air with his staff scratching his head.

"What is happening up there...just tell me Hermes." I said sternly flaring my nostrils and clenching my jaw. "Fine fine one second." Hermes took off and was back just as the dust on the ground settled.

"There's this guy called Thanos, big ugly purple guy, he is collecting these 6 infinity stones, one of which is in this red guy called vision, the Avengers are going to try and defeat Thanos, they don't stand a chance." Hermes said gazing around the underworld.

I felt everything stop, they're going to fight against infinity stones, they're going to lose. I need to get up there.

"HADES!" I barged past Persephone "LET ME OUT!" I said walking into his chambers as he sat with his feet in his desk.

"Excuse me? You are in no position to make commands, I understand that you want to go up but I can't let you do that." Hades deep voice boomed.

"Please...she's in trouble I just need to help her, I'm lost without her." I said tears welding in my eyes at fustration.

"How can a heartbreak once it's already stopped beating?" Hades said leaning his head back in relaxation.

"You should be a poet." I muttered as tears dropped from my eyes, "don't try and compliment me so I would feel bad at not letting you see that girl up there-" hades was cut off when Persephone appeared in the doorway.

"Hades, come on...Silan loves her, you won't be breaking the rules if you give her the challenge. Just let her be with Wanda." Persephone said holding Hades hand.

I watched as his whole demeanour changed. They were the only real god couple that I knew, they were loyal to each other.

"Fine, you know the challenge I gave Orpheus, he tried to rescue his wife and I told him if he turned around on his way out, he would fail and wouldn't get his wife back. I'm giving the same challenge to you, go upstairs then that's where the hallucinations start, if you can make it all the way through, you'll get to go up and stay up and you'll get a temporary parting gift from me too." Hades said as he pulled Persephone into his lap.

He placed kisses along her face, I groaned remembering they're uncle and niece. "Gross guys, you're related." I mumbled and took off upstairs.

I could handle anything Hades throws at me. I walked up the stone steps, "ok if I sprint and not think about anything, it will take 73 seconds to get out.

I faced my eyes down to the ground and sprinted up the stairs. "Silan?" I heard my mother call, I shut my eyes and continued to run. She's not real, she's not real.

"Silan? I've been searching all over for you." I felt her hand touch my shoulder, it was hers, I knew it from how she gently squeezed like she did whenever she had to calm me down.

"Look at me honey." As soon as those words left her mouth I snapped back into reality, she is dead, she isn't real. I took off in a sprint again. My mother had a belief that calling your child after something edible is very odd, I remember her telling me those exact words when I was 5, she was drowning in wine at the time but it was true, she never called me honey.

"Silan come on, you can do it." I heard cheers at the top of the stairs I see...I see all the Spartan warriors in my time and after. I'm guessing that was the temporary gift from Hades.

I let a grin place itself on my face as I sprint to the top, I'm almost there I can taste my freedom.

I jumped into what seemed like a ongoing elevator at the top of the stairs. I collapsed in its floor as the doors closed. I looked up to see the Spartan looking down at me.

"They bought a lift, that's a nice upgrade." I mumbled as they helped me up. "Hades said you need our help?" They asked spoiling for battle.

I paused before thinking about what I was going to say.

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