Chapter 21 -GRIEF GROUP-

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I parked the car. I looked at my phone. 28 January. A month. It's been a month since Silan.

I opened the car door, only to be met with a certain ginger. "Hey stranger." Natasha said walking with me to the building.

"I'm not in the mood Nat." I sulked opening the door which said 'grief group' on it. "I wanted to accompany you to I allowed to?" Nat asked cautiously.

"Free country right?" I answered back as she followed.

I walked to the table with the therapist handing out the snacks. I looked down at the table, "what the hell is this?" I gritted as the therapist raised her eyebrows handing out carrots.

"Oh we got complaints, the doughnuts weren't very healthy." She said and I felt that familiar itch in my hands. I wanted to rip her head off. And I knew I could. But Natasha was here.

"I just want a doughnut." I said tears welding in my eyes. "It's just a doughnut man." Nat whispered but I pushed her away and walked to the door. I paused and turned around.

"I come here sometimes to feel know what, NOTHING MAKE ME FEEL BETTER!" I yelled letting my powers out slightly as it burst all the lights hanging from the ceiling.

I finally came to my senses and shook my head storming out of there. "Hey Wanda where are you going come back." Nat said jogging and catching up with me walking to my car.

"I can't go back in there, I just caused a scene because there weren't any doughnuts." I said as tears dropped from my eyes.

"You want doughnuts? Come on." Nat said pushing me in my car and driving to the doughnut shop 15 minutes from here.

We both sat outside on the curb munching on our doughnuts. I still had tears dripping down my face but Nat didn't say anything about it.

"I thought you were getting your act together." Nat said and we both winced at her wording. "I didn't mean it like tha-" "why am I trying so hard to be ok on the outside when there is a nuclear holocaust happening on the inside?" I said shutting my eyes trying to stop the pain which was crawling through my whole body.

"What makes you happy?" Nat changed rhe subject but I shook my head, "nothing makes me happy." I said running my hand through my greasy hair.

"Ok...what do you hate?" She asked and this question I could answer, "I hate myself, I hate everyone...I hate myself soo much!" I exclaimed the last bit louder banging my thighs.

I hated myself, I'm the reason she's dead, I'm the reason she's gone, I hate myself for it.

"Wanda listen to me, she's in a better place-" "what? Like here with me was so bad that her being alone in the underworld is so much better then with me?!" I asked not liking what Nat was insinuating.

"I didn't mean it like that." Nat said sternly and I just rolled my eyes, I looked down at my green jumper to see my tears had dropped onto it.

"Just go. I want you to go." I told Nat and watched her flare her nostrils in contemplation, she got up before turning back to me and giving me a hug.

She got back in her car and left. I felt like I could breathe again. I looked back at the doughnut shop.

"A box of doughnuts please." I said grabbing the box they handed me with 10 mixed doughnuts inside.

I deserve to treat myself. After all the shit I've been through, you would've though I was used to it. But I'm not.


"Hey Wanda training time." Tony said knocking on my door. The sound echoed in my head. How can a hangover be this bad.

I stood up slowly and shut the curtains which blocked the blinding sun. I tried to not trip over the vodka and Hennessy bottles but stumbled over a few.

"Tony I'll be down in a sec." I mumbled through the door before going to my closet and getting changed.


I felt Tony's laser beam connect with my stomach. "Come on. Hit me." Tony said jumping around in his suit.

"I can't, whatever armour you used is indestructible." I grunted slowly pulling myself off the ground.

"I replicated the armour Silan gave me for Christmas." As soon as her name left his lips, it was like all my power I had left in my body exploded from me before I could direct it.

I watched as Tony flew and my powers suffocated him and crushed his silly suit. "I guess you didn't do a good enough job at replication." I said walking out of the room leaving a groaning Tony who had pieces of his suit jabbed into him.

I shut my eyes. All I saw was her brown ones. "I love you Silan." I said but watched as she moved back and all I saw was her blood covering my hands.

"You did this to me." She muttered and collapsed onto the ground at my feet, "i know, let me fix you." I pleaded tears streaming my face.

"No! I'm already gone! It's your fault! You should've died!." Silan yelled over and over again. I couldn't take it.

I slammed my hands over my ears. I let out a scream and watched as red covered my vision. "Leave me alone." I screamed again and again trying to block out Silans deep husky voice that I missed so much but I knew whatever was talking to me now was definitely not Silan.

Silan wouldn't yell at me. Even in training. She said that was her fathers way and even though it was effective physically it wasn't helpful mentally.

I remember her calm voice when she would whisper sweet nothings in my ear when I would have nightmares and she felt bad for having to leave.

I just want her back.

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