Chapter 6 -STEAK-

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The whole night i thought about Silan, where did she sleep, what if she walked into my room, why was she so pretty, did she think I was weak. I stopped the questions rushing through my brain. I shouldn't care this much about her opinion but I do. I'm crushing on her. I shouldnt, her girlfriend died, well 2000 years ago but to her probably what felt like a day, i dont know how she seems so put together.

"WAKEY WAKEY, WITCH!" Nat yelled opening my door, "I'm already up." I told her, getting up and re adjusting my sweats and hoodie. "where's the Spartan?" I asked walking into the kitchen where all the avengers were sat apart from Thor who had to leave to check on his brother but might be back soon.

"Friday wheres Silan?" Tony asked and she said she was in the training room still. Odd. We all went there to see silan sprinting on the treadmill tapping the screen curiously. "how long have you been running?" Sam asked peeking at the screen.

"9 hours" was all she replied before Tony stopped the machine slowly and Silan jumped off, gathering her balance easily and taking a gulp of her water. "9 HOURS, JESUS CHRIST!" Clint exclaimed amazed, that is a lot of time and at that speed she was running 60 miles an hour.

I stared at her, she was in a shield shirt and shorts which she must've borrowed, and her sweat made it stick to her showing her well defined abs and toned biceps. I gulped slowly, I shouldn't be looking, from then on I only made direct eye contact.

"I'm going to explore around here, I want to know what modern day is like." Silan told us walking past me, how can she still smell like figs and nature even though she was sweating. I shook the thought out of my head, "do you want breakfast?" Steve asked and I scowled at how he is always talking to her, Nat mustve noticed my foul mood because she nudged me and I just smiled at her.

"I'll buy something, can someone lend me some drachmae?" she asked and I was very confused by her question not understanding if she even making sense. "We dont use drachmae we use dollars, and the currency is a bit different, for example $5 would be like 2000 drachmae." Nat said handing Silan $100.

Silan furrowed her eyebrows, and looked to me as if asking if that was true, I just nodded chuckling slightly at how shocked she was.

"Also get changed because your fashion sense was a bit ...outdated, and you can't go out broadcasting that your shield." Sam said and we all collectively agreed, she just nodded walking off.

All of us sat in the kitchen eating fruit bowls,  or pop tarts, Sam, Clint and I ate pop tarts while the others had fruit bowls.

"Caps finally not the oldest." Tony said patting Steve on the back while Steve rolled his eyes, we all chuckled but mine was cut short when I saw Silan in the corridor.

Silan stood in front of us now, her hair wet and slicked back but still had volume with strands hanging in the front, she was wearing one of Tony's dress suits, and she looked good.

I felt myself get butterflies in my whole body when she made eye contact with me, "that's not what we meant when we said get changed but you make it work." Tony said flickering through the channels on the tv.

Silans head snatched to the tv when she saw it, she tilted her head curiously towards it, it was fascinating to watch her try to understand it.

"It's a tv, we can watch films and listen to the news about what goes on in the world." I said trying to clarify for her, "odd." Was all she muttered before she turned and walked right out the tower.

"Should we let her leave like that?" Sam asked but Steve waved him off, "she's just curious."


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