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We slowly made our way to the meeting table, "whats the last thing you remember?" "do you know who you are?" "are you gonna try kill us again?" "can we trust you?" "can you help us?" all these questions were shot at Silan but to no avail.

"Bring her back." Silan told me, and the Avengers unorganized questioning stopped, I knew who she was talking about but I couldn't. "I'm sorry, I cant bring people back to life, you were already alive but asleep so I woke you up." I apologised looking down disappointed.

"We need your help...there's a cult." Steve stated and Silans head shot up and she gripped her spear tightly and narrowed her eyes waiting for more information, "they're called the cult of Alexios." Steve finished, and Silan scoffed, and leaned back in her chair, she had tears brimming her eyes and she was shaking her head as if not accepting what we told her.

"I believe you had a run in with Alexios, well his cult is still alive, and is filled with fierce warriors trying to take over the world and we would appreciate it if you helped us." Clint said and Nat whacked him at his insensitivity.

"No." was all she said, she didn't storm off or create a scene but just said no. "no? these people are following in the steps of your lovers killer and you say no?" as soon as Tony said that he covered his mouth, I expected silan to kill him but she just shook her head.

"I know a lot about the cult...if it's been this long and they have still thrived there is definitely no stopping them now." Silan said clenching her jaw, "if you knew about the cult back then, how come you didn't stop them in your prime?" Steve asked clearly intrigued.

"Because I created and lead it." Silan said shaking her head in shame, "what a twist!" Sam exclaimed, and silan chuckled lightly before a single tear fell from her cheek, "I created it as a community of fierce warriors, I trained them all, we were like family, I trusted them, we were strong, we killed the wrong, and benefitted the right. then I realised the power I gave them all, they were too strong, so I disbanded the cult, but I guess some of them held grudges and saw an opportunity to attack me and took it."

"Ok, but the ones that are the current cult were not trained by you so they would be weaker." Thor reasoned, "no, they would have the power of the gods on their side." Silan said scanning us all.

"Don't you also have the power of the gods? also why would the gods be on their side?" I asked very confused, "that's not how it works, I do have the gods powers but they would be weakened by a lot since they haven't been put to use. The gods would be on their side because they keep up their strength from the sacrifices we make, I taught the Cult that sacrifices to the Gods were the most important rule, the bigger the better, every week we would sacrifice a hundred oxen." she explained grazing her finger along her spear.

"when will you get your powers back?" Nat asked while she rotated her arm which had been slammed into the wall a few minutes ago, "at least a months with lots of sacrifices and rituals and dedication to the gods." "that's fine, just stay here and do whatever you need to and bing bam boom we win." Clint said nonchalantly,

"Who removed me from where I was buried?" Silan questioned, her whole demeanor changed as if she realised something. "that would me." ross exclaimed walking back into the room, he clearly didn't read the room.

I winced as Silan stood up and walked to Ross who stood proudly, "you can thank me later," Ross waved her off, and no one stopped him because whatever was about to happen he deserved. "how did you get me out?" she asked tilting her head.

"well we just dug you out from the ruins of Apollos temple." he said still very proud, "did you find anything else?" Silan fished for the answers she wanted. "just other bones." Ross said furrowing his brows.

"you mean Kassandra's bones? where are they now?" she asked towering over Ross' 5'7 form, "well we have them now if you want them?" Ross said as realisation finally hit him, Silan just scoffed, I looked down at her hand to see it shaking and gripping her spear very tightly.

"You are going to return her body back to the temple, and if I find out you didn't do it or did it with no respect, you know what I'll do..." Silan said glancing down at Ross left hand, "I'll disarticulate all your limbs and feed them to your wife and kids and even your mistress, then ill roast them and feed them to your ugly dogs." Silan said picking off the dog hair that shedded on Ross' suit.

Ross' adams apple bobbed up and down and he just nodded and went to leave but Silan hit him with her spear, "faster." she said as she turned back to us as Ross ran out the room. "never liked him." Sam said and we all collectively nodded.

"So in the meantime, you are a brilliant warrior and well...maybe you could teach us your ways." Tony said trying to lighten the mood, Silan paused then glanced to us all, "fine." was all she replied with.

we all made our way to the training room, "so what's so special about the spear and shield?" i asked looking up towards Silans 6'0 figure. "the shield is a spartan based shield but also called the aegis, not sure if you have heard of it. The spear was partly my fathers, but mixed with Zeus' bolt and forged by Hephaestus and the cyclops who made Poseidon's trident." Silan said nonchalantly.

"How can you be so humble, a literal god made that spear and that shield is like in the myths." Clint asked mesmerized, "myths?" Silan questioned, "our stories are shared even to today, but there are many different beliefs and they declared your faith as mythology, same with mine, yours is called ancient greek mine is norse." Thor said walking backwards in front of us all,

" a lot has changed." Silan said as we entered the training room which was filled with a lot of modern technology.

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