Chapter 3 -AWAKE-

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I stared into the tomb. Nothing. Her eyes were shut and her face pale, she didn't look how I thought she would, by that I mean she doesn't look skeleton like, her face wasn't suken and I could still see the definition of her muscles.

By now everyone had stepped away from the tomb but me, there was something in her head, before she had no thoughts, no feelings whizzing through her brain like everyone else, but now it's like everything in her sparked to life apart from her body.

"Wanda move back we don't know if it's safe." Nat whisper yelled at me, but I ignored her and shushed her. "her minds awake but her body isn't." I stated peeking into the tomb once again. how curious, I flicked her forehead, but still nothing. Every move I made I could hear the avengers wince. I honestly wasn't that worried, I have nothing to live for so even if she does wake up it's not that bad.

"read her mind." Ross commanded harshly, "don't talk to her like that," "say please." "shut up Ross" all the avengers whisper yelled at him each complaining at his rough tone towards me, it did bring a small smile to my face but I replaced it with a determined tense face ready to intrude her thoughts.

I gathered my red energy and lightly pressed it to her head. I tried to get through but all I saw was these old yellow stone walls, it was like a barrier protecting her thoughts. I knocked on the wall, I could hear the echo ricocheting off the walls.

I focused my energy towards one spot in the wall and this time I didn't knock but slammed my fist until it cracked. i looked down at my knuckles to see the red energy surrounding it but slight cuts on them.

it felt like a massive gust of wind whispered me away and in front of a girl. The girl was Silan but less pale and her head tilted down slightly, but she was younger maybe 9. She looked the same but less battle scars.

I watched her, she stood no more than a meter from me but just stared at me peering into my soul. I focused on the background instead, there was a battle going on, spartans yelling and blood everywhere, screams and cries clashing with the sounds of shields and swords banging together.

I looked back towards the girl but it seemed she aged, probably 13. This time a man stood behind her, "you are no good, you think you can be a spartan if you can't protect yourself...useless. again" the man yelled at her then swung his spear at her.

The girl turned around just in time to catch the mans spear, suddenly the man disappeared and when the girl turned to me she held the spear and shield. she was 16 now I'm guessing, she held her head high, "for sparta and for my father!" she yelled and raised her spear in the air and the spartans behind her charged forward towards the ancient Persians in battle.

I turned my head watching the battle. Sparta were winning. The battle as terrifying as it was, was also exhilarating, to see all these people working together, fighting together. I was in shock, until I heard a gut wrenching, blood churning,  heart destroying scream. it echoed in my ears.

I turned my head back to Silan now she looked the same age she does in the tomb, 18. She was screaming and tears running down her face as she collapsed to her knees. I turned back around to where the battle was, but instead it was replaced with a woman on an altar, with a long haired man towering over her, he drove his spear through her throat and a sickening crack was heard as her head ripped off and rolled off the altar by my feet.

Silan then stood up slowly using her spear to help her. Her breaths heavy and out of rhythm until she started heaving and gnawing her teeth. She banged her chest with her spear, letting the metallic clang of her spear and armour be heard to everyone. she took a deep breath in and charged.

that's all that happened before everything disappeared like fog. I tried three times to reach for her and three times I failed. where did she go? I closed my eyes and emerged from her head.

"what happened?" everyone asked, "I saw what I'm guessing was the traumatising moments in her life." I said still staring at the fascinating corpse which wasn't a corpse in the tomb. All the avengers now stood by my side also peering into the tomb letting their curiosity get the best of them.

Her eyes suddenly shot open and she grabbed her spear and jumped up. I was taken by surprise, so were all of us. Ross quickly left the room, as Silan now stood in her tomb, while we all stared at her with wide eyes.

Her breaths were shallow and eyes flickering everywhere, "hey, listen to me, you've been asleep for a long time." stark started as he aimed his suit at her just in case. she tilted her head, her eyebrows scrunched together, eyes narrowed, and her hand tightened on her spear.

She threw her spear at tony who barely missed it, but she must of expected him to as she charged at him with her shield knocking him down harshly. She then turned to the rest of us, Clint aimed his bow at her and released his arrow but she caught it with ease and smirked, Clint pressed a button and the arrow exploded but it made no difference to her.

Steve tried to throw his shield at her but she caught it and scoffed, she threw the shield 3x faster and he tried to catch it but it caught him instead and sent him flying into the other room.

Nat and I both looked towards each other and nodded. She ran to Silan ready to attack and I released my magic on Silan but neither did anything. Natasha tried to punch and sweep Silan but she blocked them both with ease and slammed Natasha through the wall, and she collapsed on the ground by Tony.

I threw my magic at her, but she didn't even try to dodge it, she rolled with the hits, she stalked closer towards me, Clint tried to step in front of me, but Silan grabbed her spear and whacked him around the head with such strength that he flew across the room and landed on Sam knocking them both out.

She continued to stalk towards me and I gave up, I collapsed to my knees, waiting for death. I heard another gust of wind and I opened my eyes to see Thor's hammer flying past me and about to hit Silan but she used her spear to redirect it making it fly through a wall.

She walked past me and to Thor, she pinned him to the wall.  "που είναι η Κασσάνδρα; γιατί είμαι ζωντανός; δεν σέβεσαι έναν Σπαρτιάτη πολεμιστή. θα πληρώσεις με τη ζωή σου (where is Kassandra? why am i alive? you do not respect a Spartan warrior, you will pay with your life.)" she yelled but paused, "γιατί μιλάω έτσι?" she shot her head towards me.

"you're speaking like that because your speaking the greek that modern greeks speak... you're in another time, I understand its confusing, but you can trust me, I'm a god, my father visited you when you were both young, his names Odin." thor muttered raising his hands in surrender and turned his head away from the sharp end of her spear.

"so what language am I speaking now?" she questioned her voice raspy but still venomous, she pressed her spear closer to thor's neck, "english, you are in america, its been around 2,500 years since you were awake, things have changed." thor said and Silan took a step back removing the spear from his neck.

"She's got a killer punch." Nat said groaning as she helped Sam up.  Silan shot her head to all the avengers, then me. "you went in my head, I saw you." she stalked towards me per usual. "I- uh, I'm sorry, I was curious-" "curiosity is not a sin, but you do that again and I won't be afraid to sent you to Hades." she said pulling out a chair for herself and staring at her tomb.

"How are you speaking our language?" Steve questioned dusting himself off walking through the whole in the wall. "a gift from Hermes probably." Thor answered, and we all looked towards Silan to see if she agreed but instead she continued to stare at the tomb.

"So now I guess this is the part where we ask her for help?" sam asked and we all didn't move an inch too afraid that she'll do something.

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